Chapter 11

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Another long chapter...

I couldn’t believe I have been grinding on my boss. If I were sober I would have been embarrassed but tonight I just didn’t give a crap. So I did what my drunken self would do. I turned back around and put on a show. Oh how I love that liquid courage.

Drunk in Love by Beyoncé was playing and the song was almost over so I had to step it up just a little. With one last grind I felt something hard dig into me. Oh me oh my, is that what I think it is? Someone’s soldier stood at attention.

As the song ended I turned around and he just stared at me. Mel came up beside me and said “Hi. I’m Melanie but everyone calls me Mel, Leigh’s best friend.”

He finally broke eye contact and said “Hello I am-“

“Logan Haynes, yes I know! So would you like to sit with us and have a drink or three?”

“Mel…” I tried to give her a warning tone. Last thing I needed was for her to play match maker tonight. I wanted to just have fun. Let loose and live a little.

“Well actually I left my friends back in the VIP section. How about you two join us.”

Before I could answer Mel said yes and was dragging me with her to his VIP section. Wow VIP. The VIP section was amazing. We had a direct passage way to the dance floor and servers as well as our own bartender.

Logan finally turned and smile. “That was quite a show. I never would have imagined you could dance like that.”

“Ha! You should see me when I’m drunk.” I wasn’t drunk just yet. I could really put away some alcohol. The night was young and I wanted to have a blast. Maybe show him a thing or two about me.

“Everyone this is Mel and my assistant Leigh Gonzalez.”

He was here with three other guys. We said our hellos to everyone. They introduced themselves but did I ever mention I was horrible with names?

“Leigh would you like a drink?” Logan asked while ushering me to sit beside him. What is up with him? He was a bit possessive. A wealthy good looking man possessive of me?

“Sure I will have a Zombie, please.” Ok I tried to sound cool calm and collect. It didn’t work. Logan turned back to me and give me a reassuring smile.

“Wow” one of the men said, I think his name was Quinn, “you must be able to hold your liquor. That’s a strong drink.”

Mel winked at me and told our server, “Let’s get some tequila shots over here and keep them coming please.” He nodded and walked off.

Gosh Logan looked good. He wore dark fitted jeans, black converse and a dark blue button up shirt. His black hair looked unkept but also sexy. He looked so domestic. A man with such power looked so domestic and down to earth. I loved it.

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