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Requested by Sneaky-Chameleon

Espio thanked the store owner before leaving the shop

Espio had decided to get some sweet dumplings for lunch whilst he left his 2 teammates to

And he quoted "find cool mythical creatures"

The two seemed quite excited by it actually, setting up traps the way knuckles had taught them, like his own on his island

Going off to the woods and getting started

They had asked the chameleon to join them, but he didn't seem the point in searching for something that they didn't even know existed

He believed in facts and techniques, not simply as the little bee put "because it's magic"

Everything happened for a reason

So there had to be a good reason as to when he came back he found a bee and a crocodile caught in their trap

"Esp, oh thank chaos, help us out of here" vector sighed in relief

Espio wanted to but he needed an explanation first

"What happened here ?" Espio asked as examined their situation

Charmy and vector were both dangling in a net placed in a tree, communicator on the floor and absolutely nothing to get themselves out

"So we were looking for mythical animals and VECTOR, thought he saw something-" Charmy began to explain and excuse before their "boss" interrupted angrily

"ME ?! you were the one who set the blasted thing of!"

"I wouldn't have if it hadn't been a false alarm" Charmy argued

The two argued too and thro, making the net sway

Meanwhile espio decided to simply finish his dumpling, knowing the two wouldn't shut up until they ran out of steam

Which ended up in the two giving each other the silent treatment, turning their backs on one another

"If you both are done, shall we start the process of getting you out of there ?" Espio sighed annoyedly

The two blinked, forgetting what was going on

"Yes please" the croc and bee pleaded in unison

At once Espio took out his kunai knife

"I still can't believe you two got yourselves into this mess, I mean honestly, just for the sake of a creature that surely doesn't exist" Espio began to rant

Scolding them for their foolish behaviour

"What if there was a real emergency and I couldn't get a hold of you both ?!" Espio asked angrily

"Ok ok, we get it, we messed up, but it was just for a bit of fun" vector groaned, trying to save them from the scolding

"Well next time, just be more cautious, imagine if knuckles saw this? What would he say?" Espio asked

"He'd congratulate us for doing a really good job?" Charmy asked cheekily

But that was the wrong response as espio cut the final string, freeing them with a painful plunk on the floor, earning groans from the duo

"Thanks esp" vector thanked, rubbing his head as Charmy got out from under the crocs weight

"Your welcome" Espio simply let out as they began to walk back home

Only as they passed one more trap was activated

Snagging espio's leg and hoisting him into the air before dangling high of a tree

"Espio?!" Both let out in shock

"You two have 20 seconds to get me down before you become mythical creatures yourselves" Espio threatened as he crossed his arms in annoyance

All he wanted was a dumpling

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