You know, You know I'll see you again

210 9 2

Requested by myself                                                                                           (for the song just listen till 0:25) 

"Everything that happens, even if it's changed or undone, lives on in dead memories. Cause and effect are still alive and well."

Silvers world was always on eggshells

one wrong step in the past would lead to ruin

and thus it was up to silver to ensure this did not happen for the good of the future

leading to why he was in the past at this moment

the silver hedgehog was simply enjoying some tea with Blaze before everything went wrong

the sky became red

a heard of enemies came from the shadows to destroy civilisation and set fire to all

something had gone wrong and silver needed to rectify it

Blaze stayed to help her people whilst Silver made his way to the past

"stay safe" was all that was said

blaze died once, he couldn't let that happen again

he wouldn't let anyone valuable to him die

he'd die before that happened

espio always called him out on that, too much of a self-sacrificing soul he would say

Silver didn't like going to the past due to the destruction of his home

he much rather enjoyed going when it was simply to say hello to his friends, he didn't have many in the future, it was always changing so many people could not remember the connection

regardless as much as he was on a mission, he was very much excited to be meeting up with them again

and with a time portal, he came to the past

and once more his senses were overtaken by the beauty of the world

the grass was always greener here, the sun brighter and always had such a calm tranquillity despite the constant disturbances of chaos

he would take a breath and carry on, allowing himself a second of calm before the storm

walking he went to discover what went wrong

referring to what he learned the heard of enemies were, well, groups of gangs that were supposed to be stopped before their numbers got bigger

he did have to say he did mess up with the details, but to his defence, he was in a rush to stop his world from being destroyed

so being in a rush he used his telekinesis to fly off and find some clues

and who better than the hero of all himself, sonic the hedgehog

"Sonic!" Silver yelled enthusiastically to bring the blue blurs attention

"silver, long time no see" sonic said happily,

his usual cockiness however didn't seem as bold, sonic looked tired even, this was already a warning in the hedgehog's mind

" the world in trouble again?" sonic questioned, bringing silver out of his observations

"yeah, it's just going a little hazy with out-of-the-blue bad guys, so I want to see what's caused it" Silver nodded

"right" Sonic sighed

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