Chapter 13

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((Holy smokes guys I'm so sorry I feel like I haven't updated in so long! And then I get almost 1000 views?? What?? Every time someone comments or votes or reads makes me so happy!!))

(Pete's POV)

It's been 2 hours since I called an ambulance to the school and they brought Patrick to the hospital. I really hope he's okay.

The ambulance also had to call for 2 other trucks for Mikey and Gerard. I guess I beat them into unconsciousness. Well obviously I went into the truck that Patrick was in to see if he was okay.

I've just been sitting in a waiting room, pacing back and forth while crying my eyes out. Of course I got some strange looks but I didn't really care right now.

My thoughts were set aside when a man in a white coat came walking towards me. I assumed he was a doctor so I jut stared at him and waited for him to tell me any important news about Patrick.

"Hello, sir, I'm Doctor Ross and I have some news about your friends" he said to me.

((Imagine Ryan Ross as a doctor XD))

"Yes? Is Patrick okay? Is he alive? When can I see him?" I questioned curiously.

"Calm down, you can see him after this conversation," he cleared his throat, "Well it seems that Gerard Way has woken up. He has forgotten some things due to the blood loss from his head, so he might not remember you"


Then my face fell when I remembered Patrick.

"Is Patrick alright?" I asked.

"Hold on, I'm getting to him." Doctor Ross told me, "but first, Mikey Way has a few serious cuts and bruises on his ribs, face, legs, and some on his back. I'm afraid his head has been cut open a tiny bit and has been infected so we must give him surgery or else he will die soon."

"So what about Patrick!" I said, suddenly ruder than I expected.

"Will you chill your face! I'm getting there!" He said, then he cleared his throat again...

"The other 3, Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, and Frank Iero will be here as soon as possible to check on them." Doctor Ross told me.

I started getting mad, "SO WHATS WRONG WITH PATRICK STUMP!?!" I yelled.

He just sighed "I told you I was just about to tell you. Well anyways, Patrick Stump has fallen into a coma due to the extreme forced punch that you said was thrown at him by Mikey Way. I'm sorry but Patrick has also received cancer because of the spot that he was punched in the head was very sensitive." Doctor Ross said.

My heart sank and I tried fitting those words into my head. Patrick? Coma? Brain cancer? Then it all came crashing down on me and I suddenly became super angry when a thought came back into my head...Mikey....

If Mikey didn't kiss me or start the fight then none of this would've happened. This is all his fault! He put Patrick in a coma! He gave Patrick cancer! He made Gerard lose his memory! He messed everything up! I'm gonna kill him when I get out of here...

"I-is he gonna be okay?" Was all I could spit out

"Well Gerard and Mike-"


"Well Patrick should wake up very soon. Our estimation is in about a week or two. Maybe if you talk to him, he could hear you"

A week? Two weeks?? How am I supposed to live without my Pattycakes for 2 weeks?!?!

After Doctor Ross told me Patrick's room number (he said that Gerard and Mikey are in the same room as him, which I really didn't care about) and I made my way down the halls.

When I finally got to their room, I took a deep breathe and walked in.

And there they were, Mikey the closest to the door, sleeping. Patrick the farthest from me, all the way across the room near the big window. And Gerard was sleeping in between them.

I immediately rushed to Patrick's bed because I really didn't care about the other two right now.

I sat in the chair closest to him and grabbed his hand. Then, I felt a single year flow down my cheek. Which was followed with a few more.

"P-Patrick. If y-you can h-hear m-me, i just w-want you to k-know that I-I love you, a-and this never should've h-happened to you. I-If I protected y-you from M-Mikey I could've saved y-you" and with that, I burst into tears and lay my head on his pale chest.

"There was nothing you could do about it, idiot" Mikey woke up and grinned at me from across the room.


"Coma? Brain cancer? Pete, I think you're going insane. Not that you weren't already" he almost whispered the last part

"INSANE? THE ONLY INSANE THING HERE IS THAT YOU'RE STILL ALIVE. I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU FROM THE START!" I yelled. And as soon as I was raising my fist up to his face, Frank, Ray, and Bob came rushing into the room.

Ray rushed over to me, "dude, what the hell is wrong with you?! You could've hurt Mikey!" And Ray ran over to Mikey and lightly hugged him.

I could hear him softly whisper so that I couldn't hear, "it's okay, Mikes, I love you" and kissed his cheek so no one in another angle could see except me.

Ray and Mikey?! I never knew they were a couple! What's next, Gerard and Frank?!?

"Ugh you're so stupid" Frank stared at me angrily and ran over to Gerard. "Shh it's okay baby I'm here"

And Gerard started waking up. Well then, I guess Gerard and Frank ARE a couple.

Bob was just standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Who the hell are you??" Gerard questioned Frank.

"G-Gerard? It's me, Frankie. Remember, your boyfriend? From school?" Frank told Gerard.

"Nope. Don't remember you. Now can you show me someone that I will remember? And who is this Gerard person?" Gerard asked rudely.

"You dummy, you're Gerard!" Frank burst into tears and ran out of the room so Gerard was left confused while Ray and Mikey started making out on Mikey's bed and I was crying while staring at Patrick and held his hand.

"It's ok, Patrick, everything's gonna be fine" I assured him, even though he probably couldn't hear me.

The next few hours just consisted of Ray and Mikey kissing, Bob trying to explain everything to Gerard, while I stared at Patrick sleeping.

Frank came back a little while ago, still crying insanely but sat with Gerard on his bed while they slept together on the tiny bed, curled up together. I have to admit, they're pretty cute together.

Doctor Ross let me, Ray, and Frank sleep here with Gerard, Mikey, and Patrick on their beds with them.

I had to move over all Patrick's wires and scoot him over to get on the bed. Frank and Gerard fell asleep before all of us. Ray and Mikey still kept kissing and whispering which was pretty disturbing. I just lay on Patrick's bed with him while he sleep peacefully.

((I feel like I rushed this all too much into one chapter. Should I slow it down a bit? Oh and btw I'm making a Frerard fanfic called My Life Has Been A Lie, Before I Met You))

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