Chapter 16

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*fast forward 2 weeks*

(Patrick's POV)

So, life's been pretty good.

Gerard still doesn't remember half of his life but we're working on it. Mikey got surgery last week, stitches on his head, and medicine that he has to rub on his head every day. And myself, well I've gotten treatment for the brain cancer but the doctor says it may take a long time to completely go away. I have to take 2 pills every day (one in the morning and one at night).

Pete, Frank, and Ray have been very helpful and patient with us. Pete helps me remember to take the pills every day (the cancer also comes with forgetfulness which is really bad for me). Frank is showing Gerard everything every where, and when I say everything, I mean every single damn thing we pass by. Yesterday we were taking a walk to the park and Frank literally dragged Gerard all over the place. So basically Frank said things like "and this is called a tree! Ooh! Look! A car! Wait wait there's a dog! Are you getting all this down, Gerard? I told you to bring a notebook." And Ray has helped Mikey put the medicine on his head.

When the doctor told Mikey that they might have to shave his head to put on the cream, Mikey literally screeched like a mad man at the top of his lungs, sprung out of bed, and ran around the hospital half naked yelling "YOU'LL NEVER GET ME ALIVE!" The doctors finally caught him when a random old lunch lady whacked Mikey with the toaster from the fancy kitchen.

So the doctors dragged him back to bed and tried pinning him down. When Mikey awoke, he realized what was happening when Dr. Ross was inches away from his face and struggled as hard as possible. Me, Pete, Gerard, Frank, and Ray had to hold down his limbs while Dr. Ross tried shaving Mikey's head. Of course, Mikey found a way out and bit Dr. Ross's arm and slapped the razor across the room and yelled "YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!"

We finally gave up and decided to let Mikey keep his hair. But it would be 10x harder for Ray to put the medicine on his head and then clean his hair every single time.

So basically this past 2 weeks have been slightly stressful. We've all decided to live in Pete's huge house since my parents kicked me out, Mr. and Mrs. Way work too much, Frank's dad doesn't care where the hell he is, and Ray's mom calls like every hour to check up on him.

We have some good nights here and there, cuddling and watching cute movies. Ray and Mikey just giggling to themselves in the corner, Gerard and Frank all over each other, and me and Pete actually enjoying the movie.

The doctors told us that we don't have to go to school for another month so we can get used to the medicine adjustments and get Gerard's full memory back.

I guess you could say that we're all pretty good friends now. Pete and Mikey have had their ups and downs but we break them up immediately. Gerard is starting to understand what's happening with them, and of course as the strongest one of all, he's the one to step between them and push them aside.

Me and Pete share the master bedroom on the second floor, Gerard and Frank took the basement because they said they could get pretty loud (which we all found extremely disgusting) and Ray and Mikey took the guest room on the first floor.

It's also been quite awkward between me and Mikey. He seems to have a disliking to me since I'm so clingy to Pete. What can I say, I'm the only one that gets the Petey Pie, no slices for Mikey.

I don't even want to imagine what'll happen at school. Students and even teachers asking "is everything okay? Is there anything I can do? I hope you feel better! Stay safe!" Like seriously I just got cancer and my friends have memory loss and a stitched up head. Do we look 'okay' to you?

And the bullies. Oh no. The bullies. I heard there's a new football team. I believe the captains are Alex Gaskarth and his boyfriend Jack Barakat. And the other teammates are Vic, Kellin, Andy, Joe, Dallon, Brendon, Josh, Tyler, and the first ever female player, Hayley.

I'm pretty sure there are 2 coaches. Coach Armstrong and Coach Saporta. Principal Lucker died a few days ago and has been replaced by Principal Carlile and Vise Principal Ashby. Principal Lucker was a rad dude and everyone loved him, but everyone says the new Principal Carlile looks exactly like him. Some people also say that Carlile and Ashby have a thing for each other.

Yeah, the school has given us a lot of info so we know what's going on when we go back. The teachers may seem all nice and calm, but when you meet the students, the school is complete madness.

Anyways, Mikey's head is healing, Gerard is cooperating properly, I'm still working with the medicine, but things seem to be looking up from here.

Everything may actually turn out okay for once...

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