Chapter 18

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((Whoops I forgot about this for a really long time yolo))

(Patrick's POV)

Well, time to wake up to go to hell. I'm not even gonna correct myself, school is hell and everyone knows it. It's not the education that I hate, but it's the careless teachers and the rude classmates and it just makes learning miserable for everyone. I don't even wanna get up.

Wait, where the hell am I?? Oh, I remember. Pete woke up me and Ray last night, and we found Pete and Mikey kissing in the kitchen. Fantastic. And so now I'm laying on an old couch in the basement.

I plan on staying in bed all day and cry and listen to sad music. I don't even wanna look at anyone right now, never mind get up. But then my daydreams were crushed when I heard someone walking down the stairs. I groaned and curled up in a ball so hopefully they'd leave me alone.

"Nice try, Stump. But you must rise with the shine and greet the morning like there's no tomorrow" Ray cheered happily. Why's he so happy? He just found his boyfriend and my boyfriend kissing, did that not mean anything? Were they still our boyfriends?

I raised my arm and flipped him off, trying to fall back asleep. But unfortunately, I've learned that Ray doesn't give up easily.

"C'mon tiny human. We must be educated and be all smart and learn. So get up, my child!" He exclaimed, which only made me turn and face him with an unamused look.

"Ok first, I'm not tiny. Second, hell no. And third, I'm not your child. I just wanna sleep" I groaned, hoping that he'd forget about it and leave me alone.

"Awe now, that's not enthusiastic. You need some motivation. Ill be right back" Ray had a huge smile on a face and ran up the stairs, finally leaving me alone to sleep.

But of course, he had to come stomping back downstairs with god knows what else.

I thought he went away because I didn't hear anything, but that changed when he started blasting Green Day from his old radio. My head shot up as soon as I heard the beginning of American Idiot. Damn you, Ray.

I turned to face him, "what the actual hell are you so goddamn happy about?! I just wanted some sleep!" I sighed and rolled back over.

"I didn't wanna have to do this, Patrick. But you leave me no choice" he spoke and paused the music. I suddenly got scared.

I waited a few seconds until I heard Ray walking towards me. He stopped so I turned my body to look at him. He was leaning over me with an evil smile.

"Ray? You alright?" I questioned cautiously. Just a couple seconds later, I was being lifted off the couch, with the blanket, and into Ray's arms.

I tried squirming around but that didn't work.

"What the actual hell? Put me down! I said I'm not getting up. Don't you listen, you weird afro freak?!" I yelled at him just as we were about to go up the stairs.

Ray responded quickly "calm down, you grumpy shit." And giggled. I'd really like an explanation for his happiness.

Before I knew it, we were at the top of the stairs and in the living room. There, Ray put me down and shut the basement door behind us.

"Ughhhh I don't wanna goooo" I whined. Honestly, I just didn't have the courage to face Pete. No way in Hell I'm talking to him after last night.

Ray looked me in the eyes seriously, which surprised me because he's usually never serious. "Patrick. We both saw what we saw last night, okay? I don't know what's going on or what's going to happen but we need to go to school. I don't care about Frank or Gerard, they're still asleep in the basement. Weirdos. Anyways, Mikey and Pete are gone so I have no clue where they went. I'm not worried about them, I'm worried about you. Now get ready for school, I'm making breakfast."

I looked at him for what seemed like forever. My eyes started watering as he walked away into the kitchen, but I shrugged it off and went to get dressed.

I got ready quickly and ate breakfast with Ray. We were both completely silent. Not a word was spoken. We got into the car, Ray hopped in the driver's seat and myself in the passenger seat.

We drove off to school in silence again. I decided to speak up. "Ray? What if 'they' are here? I really don't want to see either of them. I'm scared." I said, almost crying.

"Dude dude calm down. They probably ditched somewhere. You'll be fine, okay? Trust me. I know we don't have the same classes but I'll check up on you. School first, boys later, okay?"
Ray said and smiled towards the end. I gave a small smile and we got out of the car.

I took a deep breath and walked into the school with Ray. This should be fun....

•time skip (after school)•

The bell wrung and everyone got up immediately. We rushed out the door to freedom. Luckily Pete nor Mikey were at school and I saw Ray a few times in the halls.

I found Ray outside and we got into his car. Once we were settled, he started driving.

Ray looked over at me and smiled slightly, "how was your day?"

I took a deep breath. I was about to speak when a loud thud and Ray's "-hOLY SHIT!" interrupted me.

Ray immediately stomped on the breaks and we looked around to see what had just happened.

Oh. My. God.

I rushed out of the car and ran over to the body on the road. Pete. Lying there, motionless.

Mikey stood by on the sidewalk, seeming startled. As soon as he saw me, he bolted. Running away to God knows where.

I saw Ray jump out of the car at lightning speed and run after Mikey. They yelled at each other while still running.

I looked back at Pete. I put my ear to his chest to see if he was alive. I teared up when I heard his heartbeat.

I took out my phone and quickly called 911, explaining the situation. I heard the sirens in the distance. I looked back at Pete.

Please be okay.

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