Chapter 15

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((Hey guys! Omg I feel really bad about not updating. I've been kinda busy cuz my dad just got in a motorcycle accident and he'll need surgery and it's been worrying me terribly. And plus I have school problems like always but on the bright side I saw All Time Low last week and it was so awesome!))

(Pete's POV)

I woke up snuggled up next to Patrick in his hospital bed.

I groaned and sat up

Ugh, I just remembered something:

How am I going to tell him about his cancer from Mikey?

There's no way in hell that I'm going to be able to say that without bursting into tears

Patrick's eyes fluttered open and he stretched his arms and legs out

He smiled and looked up at me. His hair was sticking up in all different directions, a little bit of dried drool on his chin, and he looked extremely tired.

"Morning sleepyhead" I grinned and looked down at him

"Mph" he rolled over on his side and wrapped his arms around my waste. "Don't leave me"

I smiled at his reaction, "I'm not leaving. I just have to talk to your doctor for a minute" I kissed his forehead and scooted out of bed and went to find his doctor.

"Excuse me, have you seen Dr. Ross?" I asked a lady behind the counter.

She pointed to a room where I saw the doctor helping a surprisingly young guy with a huge forehead

I smiled at her and walked into the room, only seeing Dr. Ross give the patient a quick kiss and then walk away like nothing happened.

He stopped in the hallway when he saw me and blushed, "hello Pete. Uh, that was a patient of mine, um, Brendon Urie. So um what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering, has Patrick's cancer gotten any better? Does he need medication or surgery or anything like that?" I asked

"Well no, he doesn't seem to be recovering very quickly, I'm afraid. He might need a little surgery in his head if it gets worse. I have some pills for him, he must take two every day for about one month. If it seems like it gets worse again, call me and we can have the surgery right away" he smiled and walked away.

"Uh wait, doctor?" I called after him

"Oh um yes?" He responded

"Is it ok if I tell him? You know, about the cancer and the coma he was in?" I asked

"Yes, it's fine. I'll be by the room soon" he answered and walked back away to a new room with a girl with bright red hair that looked my age

I shrugged and walked into Patrick's room to see Gerard and Frank snuggling close together, Mikey and Ray sleeping peacefully holding each other, and Patrick watching the news on his mini tv.

"Pete? What's this?" Patrick asked from across the room

I walked over to his bed and laid down with him. I looked at the tv screen and saw what was on the news...

Oh no.

Bad idea.

"Uh Patrick, I can explain" I told him

On the screen it showed a lady and a bunch of camera men near the hospital we were in

The news reporter spoke, "three kids, around the age of 16, are rushed to hospital after extreme fight at their local high school. One has memory loss, another with a slightly cracked head with need of surgery as soon as possible, one in a coma with brain cancer, which will also eventually need surgery"

I looked around and saw Mikey, Ray, Gerard, and Frank staring at the tv with wide eyes.

Patrick started panicking and shaking. I tried calming him down.

"Shh it's ok, Patrick. Just let me explain" I told him

He looked at me, "which one am I? Did I lose my memory? Is my head cracked? Do I have cancer? Wait, no one here is in a coma, so who's that?" He questioned.

"Listen, Patrick. Gerard lost his memory from when I beat him up at the fight at school. That's why he's looking at us all funny. And Mikey, well he cracked his head when I punched him hardly also in the fight" I looked back at Patrick as saw his eyes were tearing up

He gasped as he let my words sink in his head, "I-I'm the one w-with c-cancer? Is it true, P-Pete?"

I sighed and put my head down, "yes, Patrick. You have brain cancer" I explained

"How long has it been since the fight at school?" He asked frustrated

"About a week" I answered

He immediately launched himself into my arms and started sobbing.

"I-I w-was in a c-coma for a w-week?" He said in between cries

"Yes. I've been here with you every second" I told him

I cuddled him in my arms while he cried for about 10 minutes before falling asleep.


I woke up in Patrick's hospital bed with him in my arms again. God, he's so peaceful when he sleeps. He's like a little angel...

My little angel....

Just the thought of him being mine was amazing. It sent butterflies to my stomach and made my heart do 100 backflips.

But was he mine?

The thought of him not being mine made me sick. I don't think I could live without Patrick. I know it sounds pretty intense but I don't know, there's something about him that just makes me feel like some day, we could be perfect

Be the perfect couple, have the perfect family, perfect house, perfect jobs, and perfect lives.

The thought of having a perfect life with Patrick sent all the bad thoughts away from me.

My thoughts were set aside when
he groaned lightly and turned his head towards me, "hey Petey Pie" he smiled

I grinned widely at my new nickname, "hi Pattycakes"

"Ugh my head hurts, can you get me some medicine?" He asked me

"Yeah, sure. I'll be right back" I scooted off the bed and went to find Dr. Ross

I wandered around the hospital in search for Patrick's doctor. I couldn't find him so I gave up and went back to Patrick's room.

"Sorry Patrick I-" I opened the door and saw Dr. Ross handing two pills to Patrick in a tiny plastic cup with a glass of water in his other hand.

"Oh, uh, sorry Pete. Dr. Ross found me right after you left." Patrick explained

I shrugged and stood next to his bed.

"Can you all explain who you are again?" Gerard almost shouted from across the room

"His memory loss is pretty bad, I'm sorry. It'll all come back to him soon if you just show him a few things that he might remember." Dr. Ross smiled and walked out of the room.

As soon as Dr. Ross left, Patrick started crying again. I rushed over to him and tried comforting him

"Why did this have to happen to me, Pete?" He said though choked sobs

"I don't know, Patrick. I don't know..." I answered

But I do know that this is all my fault...

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