Chapter 12

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((My friend is making me update this fanfic because she can't wait, so here's another chapter!))

(Patrick's POV)

I wake up to the sound of my new alarm Uptown Funk playing at the highest volume for some reason.

I squeeze my eyes shut and hope it will stop.

Of course, it doesn't, so I roll on top of Pete and turn off the music.

He flutters his eyes open a little bit and looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Morning, Trick" he says and kisses my nose.

"Good morning, Petey Pie" I tell him and roll off him.

He immediately pulls me back on top of him and squeezes my back so we're squished together. "Don't leave me" he says.

"Pete, c'mon, we have school."

He just groans and buries his face in my neck.

"Peeeeeeete. Get uuuuuup!" I say and try squirming out of his grip. But of course, I fail.

I sigh and just flop on top of him. "You know you'll have to get up sometime" I told him.

"Neverrrrr" he says and squishes me again in a tight hug.

"Can't...breathe" I try huffing for breath.

"Oh, sorry" he lets go.

I take this as my chance to get up "just kidding!" I yell and jump up out of bed

He groans again. "Uuuugggghhhh. Stay with me. We don't have to go to school today." He says and opens his arms for me to lay down next to him.

"Come on, Pete! You know we can't skip school. I'm failing and your grades are dropping because of me. Now get up and take a quick shower, you slime ball!" I tell him and hit him with a pillow.

"Ugh fine." He finally gets up at walks to the bathroom.

I go down to the kitchen and make us cereal before school.

He got out of the bathroom so I took a quick shower and got dressed.

We ate breakfast and then he drove us to school.

We parked as far away from Gerard as possible, and walked to the front entrance of Hell, aka school.

Gerard and his friends immediately noticed me and Pete walking together.

I looked down and saw that me and Pete's hands were together.

I got extremely nervous and tried walking past Gerard and his friends.

But nope, they spotted me and came walking towards me.

Gerard had a smirk on his face. Like he was about to beat someone to death (which is probably what's going to happen).

Frank tried looking serious, but failed because he was too short and soft hearted to look tough.

Mikey had a smirk on his face too. But not like Gerard's. Mikey actually looked happy. Probably because Pete is here.

Ray was just looking down and not bothering to communicate with anyone else.

And Bob had a strait face and he honestly did not care about one thing.

"Hey, been a while since we've seen each other" Gerard told me as soon as he came close to me and Pete.

"Yeah, I wish it was longer" I mumbled and Pete just stared at Mikey with an angry face.

"Well, looks like you'll get beaten longer then..." Gerard said.

Pete instantly snapped out of his thoughts as Gerard raised his face towards me.

Pete grabbed his arm and looked him strait in the eye. "Don't you ever, lay a hand on my Patrick" Pete told Gerard.

"Oh, and what'll happen if I do?" Gerard said, now looking at me with a smirk again.

"Nothing. Because you won't." Pete said back.

Gerard tried getting his arm free from Pete's grip, but he was much stronger.

"Let me go, emo freak!" Gerard yelled.

I'm pretty sure the only thing that could break Pete's grip was Mikey...

And that's exactly what happened...

Mikey walked over to Pete and Gerard and grabbed both their arms and teared them apart.

Mikey stood in between them, facing Pete. Suddenly, my anger rose up as Mikey started getting closer to Pete, and their noses were touching.

"Hey their, Petey" Mikey said with a smirk on his face.

That smirk was gone as soon as he smashed his lips against Pete's.

Pete tried squirming out of Mikey's grip, but Mikey was stronger than Pete.

When my anger rose to the highest level, I ran over to them and grabbed both their faces and moved them apart. Who knew I was stronger than Mikey?

Everyone stood in shock at what happened.

Except Mikey, he still had a smirk on his face.

"C'mon Pete" I told Pete and took his hand again and walked past them.

A large hand was placed on me and Pete's shoulders.

When we looked back, we saw Mikey and the second we tried looking back in our direction, he raised his fist in lightning speed and punched me in the face.

I fell back and my nose started bleeding.

Pete's face was angrier than I've ever seen him.

"I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM YOU IDIOT!" He screamed at both Mikey and Gerard.

"Whoops" Mikey said sarcastically.

"WANNA SEE 'whoops'?!?!" Pete said and punched Mikey in the face with extreme force.

Mikey fell back next to me and his nose started bleeding too.

Pete then starts punching and kicking Mikey really hard until Gerard grabs his shoulder and pushes him back.

Gerard is a LOT bigger than Pete. But this time, Pete took control.

Pete stood in front of Gerard with an emotionless expression on his face.

Out of no where, Pete grabbed Gerard's hair and punched him the hardest and Gerard went flying across the floor.

Pete then came over to me. "P-Patrick? Are you okay?"

And that was all I heard before everything went black.

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