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Miami, Florida
7:00 A.M.
The next day...

That morning, Novah was woken up by the sound of banging on the front door. She was a lighter sleeper than her parents, for personal reasons, so the sound affected her more. She stood up on wobbly legs, as a result of the beating she received just hours ago, and slowly walked to the entrance of the den.

Hearing all of the loud noise, Clarence jolted awake. His mind was still a little fuzzy from his slumber, but he quickly sobered up when he heard sirens.

When she made it back to her office the day before, Amarah made sure that she already had her story and facts straight. The first thing she did was go into her cubicle and go over all of the reports they received about the Carter residence. She then put together a file, and presented it to the head of her department. From there, they had enough evidence to start their investigation. Thus leading up to the first step; getting Novah out of that house.

Being woken up by her husband moving frantically around their bedroom, Bianca was a little startled.

"Babe, what are you doing? Do you see the time?"

"The cops are at the door, Bianca. How do you not hear that shit?!"

Just then, Bianca finally heard the banging on the door, and the officer's threat to kick it down.

"Oh god. What is going on?!"

"I don't know. But I think it has to do with that social worker."

"Oh that bitch. I'll have our lawyer handle her."

After getting dressed appropriately, Clarence and Bianca headed downstairs. Clarence headed to open the door, while Bianca went to make sure Novah wouldn't make any noise.

Before opening the door, Clarence put on his best innocent and sleepy face/voice.

"Good morning, offi- Ms. Hammond? What's going on?"

"Good morning, Mr. Carter. I'm here to pick up Anovah.

"What do you mean? What are you trying to take her for? What's this about?"

"Sir, we've come to believe that this isn't the environment for her. She's not safe here."

"Well I don't think you're able to do that, Ms. Hammond."

"I have a court order, sir. Please just bring her so that this whole process won't have to get out of hand. It'll be easier that way."

Wondering what's taking her husband so long, Bianca made her way out of the den after taping Novah's mouth shut and her hands behind her back.

"What's going on, babe? What are you doing here, Ms. Hammond?"

"She says she's here to get Novah. She says she has a court order."

"What?! What are you trying to prove by doing this? I don't think you know exactly how powerful we are, Amarah."

"From what I've collected and all of the complaints, this environment is not safe enough for her right now. I can't explain the details with you here, so like I explained to your husband, it'll be easier to just give her to me."

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