Chapter 13 - Vision

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Marinette upon passing out found herself in a large stadium with people all around her. On the other side was a huge being that she couldn't make out. She then saw a woman with long brown hair and green eyes. She wore dark lipstick and eyeliner and eyed her with a sinister glare. Then the beast in the stadium charged Marinette and she lunged out of the way and sent out a huge energy blast. The creature shrunk away from her and then crumbled away, and the woman looked angry. Marinette then heard a few words that she couldn't tell where they were coming from. 

"You are mine, there is nothing you can do." Her head began to hurt and then she was brought back into reality to find all of her friends staring down at her.

"Girl! You scared us! Are you okay?" Alya said. Marinette was breathing hard and looked around her and locked eyes with Adrien. He was crossing his arms and leaning against a pole. 

"Adrien..." She said in a weak voice. Adrien came up to her and bent down. 

"Are you okay princess. You aren't hurt, are you?" He asked. Marinette was still confused about her vision but pulled herself back together. 

"I don't know. I just had a strange vision." She said. 

"You know this isn't the first time that this happened to you." Adrien said. Marinette was curious as to when she could have passed out like this before then she remembered. 

"When you first came to the base you passed out in your cell and none of us could get you to wake up. That is why you were in that room when you finally awoke. Felix was trying to force you awake when you finally got up." Marinette remembered now about her vision of Tikki that day right before she woke up and attacked Felix. 

"I was having a vision then too. It happens sometimes but never this strong before." She said. 

"What was the vision this time?" Luka asked. Marinette told them what she saw, and they all wondered what it could mean. 

"I think we could all use some rest." Max said. They all nodded and rested for the remainder of the day.

Hawkmoth was more determined than ever to capture Marinette now and as they searched through the forest, they happened upon Alya and Nino's cabin. 

"Burn it!" He shouted and his men set the house aflame. The fire flickered in his eyes and he looked around him for any signs of life. 

"Over here!" one of the men yelled and Hawkmoth approached him. "We found footsteps leading into the forest." Hawkmoth smiled and motioned for his men to follow him. They all headed into the woods leaving the house in flames with smoke rising into the air. They approached the area where the old campsite was and lost track of them from there. 

"They have to be around here somewhere. Search the area!" Hawkmoth bellowed and the men searched.

When night came, Lila's troops barged into the village. They headed for the crops and terrorized the citizens. Marinette and Adrien came up with a plan to stop them and hid near the crops. 

When the troops arrived, Marinette shot an energy blast and Adrien lunged for the legs of the soldiers. He brought them down and Marinette fought off the rest of the troops. 

When they were all down Marinette and Adrien high fived and the remaining troops fled back to their master. The next morning the group woke up in the village well rested. Ivan prepared a special meal for them in honor of saving their village and they all dined together. 

"Lila's troops retreated last night thanks to our heroes who bravely fought them off." Ivan said. The whole village clapped and Marinette blushed. 

"Don't rejoice yet, I'm sure they will be back with more reinforcements." Adrien said. 

"That's why we should face Lila head on." Marinette said, much to Adrien's shock. 

"I don't know about that, Lila is very tricky and not easy to take down. I would use extreme caution." Ivan said. Alya patted Marinette on the back and Marinette smiled. She wanted to be able to help these people now if she could. 

"Is there any way we could get a map to Lila's headquarters?" Marinette asked. Ivan turned around and an old woman came forward. She held out a scroll and handed it to Marinette who thanked her. 

Later that day, Marinette sat by herself thinking about what she could do. Luka came next to her. 

"Hey Marinette, is there something on your mind?" Marinette sighed and looked up at Luka. 

"I was just thinking, where are we even going? Do we have a destination in mind at all? I feel lost even though I never really did have a place to call home for years." Luka placed his hand on her shoulder. 

"Sometimes what you're looking for isn't always there. You just have to see where the journey leads and then you will find your destiny." Marinette was amazed by Luka's wisdom. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right Luka." Marinette looked into the distance and then knew what she was meant to do. She always knew that she wanted to help people and she had her chance to do it here and now and she wasn't going to throw it all away. 

"I'm realizing that I was meant to help people. I have these powers for a reason and that reason has to be to benefit others. That is why I am going to stop this Queen Lila from hurting anymore of Chief Ivan's people." 

"Didn't he say to be cautious around Lila?" 

"Yeah and I won't have to worry because I'll take Adrien with me." Luka's blood ran cold. 

"What did you just say?" He said pulling a twig out of his mouth. 

"Oh, come on Luka, I said I'm bringing Adrien with me. You know he has fighting experience and has dealt with characters such as Lila before." 

"I suppose your right." Luka said looking down and eying Marinette's face for signs of affection for Adrien. She looked at him and then pulled him into a huge hug. 

"I knew you would understand Luka! You are one of my best friends." She said and Luka smiled, maybe Marinette didn't have feelings for Adrien after all. 

"Of course, Marinette. What are friends for." Marinette pulled out of the hug and they returned to the village. Luka slipped his hand into hers and she held it back. He smirked at the thought of Adrien's reaction. 

Sure enough, Adrien was standing by the house and immediately glared at Luka when he saw him and Marinette hand in hand. Luka winked and they entered the tent. 

Marinette began to explain her plan. They were going to go to Lila's base undercover to get information then come back with intel that would help Chief Ivan take her down. Marinette and Adrien were the only ones who were going to go on the mission due to their fighting experience in case there was any trouble. 

They set off into the forest together under the cover of night in robes. There was awkward silence between them, and Marinette nervously fidgeted with her necklace that she still wore. Adrien felt the tension between them and looked down at Marinette. 

"This was a good plan." 

"Really? You think so?" Marinette said. 

"Yeah, you're really brave to want to help the chief especially after you know, what I did to you." Adrien hung his head and Marinette saw how sad he looked. 

"You did hurt me Adrien, but I don't hold that against you. That day at the coffee shop was scary and I'll never forget it, but that doesn't mean I don't see you differently now." 

"You know I'll never get the sound of your screams out of my head. I think that was when I truly regretted my actions." Marinette frowned remembering the pain and kept walking. Adrien swallowed nervously and continued. A huge building was coming into view that looked like a palace. There was loud music coming from inside and blinding lights. 

"You ready?" Adrien asked. Marinette nodded and they entered the palace. 

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