Chapter 15 - Alone

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Marinette opened her eyes to find herself in a dark room with a faint sound of the music from the party audible in the distance. Her hands were chained above her head and her hair fell around her face. Her shirt had been torn and she was in terrible pain. She didn't know what they did to her but whatever it was she could feel it. She began to cry since she was alone. She didn't usually cry because she thought she would look weak if she did but there was no one here and she couldn't hold it back. 

"Adrien, where are you?" she said through her tears. She closed her eyes and focused on Adrien, but her powers weren't activating. "Why won't you work when I need you too!" She yelled kicking in frustration. 

All of a sudden there was a sound on the other side of the room. Marinette gasped and tried to blink back her tears. Then she heard slow clapping and turned to see Lila on a recliner staring at her. 

"Nice try, but your powers are useless here." She said. Marinette tugged at her wrists and desperately tried to get away in vain and she slumped over. 

"How did you know about me?" Marinette asked. 

"I was waiting for you to ask." Lila approached Marinette and stopped a few inches from her face. "Adrien gave you up." Marinette gasped and felt her heartbreak. She loved Adrien and she thought he loved her but apparently, he never did and wanted quick cash. 

She began to cry unable to hold back her tears anymore. She was utterly alone now, and she felt the crushing reality that she would never escape. What was worse though was the betrayal she felt. Why would Adrien betray her after what he had said on their way to the building? It was too much for her to handle. 

"That's it you belong to me now and there is no one who cares about you anymore. I will leave you to wallow in your despair." She said shoving Marinette and leaving.

Adrien charged the prison and took down the guards, but he only found a couple random folk who had been locked up for various reasons. He pulled one of the guards to face him. 

"Where is Marinette?!" he growled and menacingly took off his glove to reveal his destructively powerful hand. 

"Ahh I don't know. We were just brought here recently to guard there was no prisoner by that name." 

"You are lying!" Adrien yelled. 

"Please us guards are kept in the dark about such matters. Gaspard would know he is the one who makes arrests." 

"Where can I find this Gaspard?" Adrien said moving his hand closer. 

"He is guarding the door at the moment." Adrien let the guard go and moved away. He sighed wondering if he would ever find Marinette. He couldn't face Alya if he didn't bring her back. Or Luka? He would be done for sure. 

"Hang in there Marinette, I'll find you."

Marinette had cried herself to sleep and dangled from her chains now that she couldn't stand. Lila entered the room and eyed her sleeping prisoner. She plopped onto the couch and waited. Her phone rang and she answered. 

"Who is this?" She said annoyedly. 

"Its me Gordon, one of your guards." 

"Yeah, I get it, what is so urgent that you call me this late at night?" 

"It's Adrien, he is still here and causing trouble. He is searching for someone named Marinette." Lila rolled her eyes. 

"Tell him Marinette is not there and I saw her leave into the forest a while ago."

"Oh okay. That's good news I'll tell him." Lila hung up and laughed to herself. 

"Oh Gordon, not the brightest of the bunch are you."

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