Chapter 16 - Guilt/Father Daughter Reunion

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Hawkmoth had approached the building and heard a loud crowd. He headed towards it to get a glimpse of what was going on and was shocked to what he was witnessing. 

His daughter was in a full-on fight with the Queen herself. Lila swung her fists at Marinette who skillfully dodged them and sent punches of her own. Lila had powers of her own that were much stronger than Marinette's though and were obviously there for the sole purposes of dominating their opponent. 

Marinette knew it was over when Lila got a grip on her wrist. The dark power surged up through Mariette and she yelled in pain. She went to her knees and lifted her other hand in surrender. Lila smirked and pushed Marinette to the ground and placed her foot on top of her. 

The crowd cheered in response to their queen winning and Hawkmoth chuckled to himself. Lila then took her foot off of Marinette and walked away. Some guards went to take care of Marinette. Lila walked into her office and a guard approached her. 

"There is man here to see you." 

"I don't accept random visitors." Lila said crossing her arms. 

"He says his name is Hawkmoth and came all the way from the north to see you." Lila was interested. 

"Bring him in." She said. Hawkmoth strode into the room and Lila wasn't expecting such a tall and muscular man. "Well well who do we have here? I suppose you're here for business." Lila said. 

"Actually I am. How much would you want in exchange for the girl with the powers?" Lila's eyes went wide. 

"Oh please she is just a weak child who has gained some abilities that's all." She said. 

"Then you will have no problem handing her over to me?" 

"Ha ha ha ha. I will have you know it that Marinette belongs to me and is not for sale at the moment. Though I can interest you in some of my other slaves." 

"No! I came here for Marinette and that is who I am leaving with!" He yelled pounding his fist on the desk. Lila flipped her hair, 

"I have spoken." She said waltzing away. Hawkmoth growled but had a plan.

Marinette was brought back to the room with the other prisoners after she had been beaten. She felt like she couldn't move a muscle and hurt everywhere. The guards threw her on the floor and left. The prisoners gathered around her in pity as she curled on the floor and cried. 

The old man who had risked his life to try and save her before came up to her and attempted to help her feel better. 

"You were very brave young one. You are the only one who has come back alive and that is something that is remarkable in itself." He picked her up and placed her in a corner where there were some old blankets. There weren't many but he tried to place them over her. 

"Ttt...hank you..." Marinette stammered through her tears and hugged her knees.

"Try to rest young one. You never know what Queen Lila has in store for you next." 

"My is M...marinette.." She said weakly. The old man smiled. 

"Fu." He said and sat beside her gently patting her back.

Earlier that morning, Adrien slowly trudged back to Ivan's village. He felt horrible for losing Marinette and didn't know how he would face her friends, which he felt were no longer his friends. 

After an hour, He reached the village and approached the tent. Alya jumped up when she saw him. 

"Adrien! We were worried sick! Wait where is Marinette?" She asked. Adrien shook his head and Alya shook Adrien's shoulders. "What happened?!" She yelled and he looked into her face. 

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