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Louis' pov

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Louis' pov

I was was walking through park. I still had 10 minutes to be at Caffe, where I had to meet with Cooper, my boyfriend.

It was hot November day, so I decided to sat on bench for a little. I closed eyes, when I suddenly heard familiar voice at my back.

"I have to go, Jake. I have to meet with Louis in few minutes"
"Oh c'mon, stay with me Coop, didn't you say that you two already broke up?" The other voice said.
Something in me broke.
"I will say him today, I promise. See you later darling"

I turned around and saw Cooper, my boyfriend, hugging an other boy. Tears came in my eyes. I saw Cooper looking at my direction.

"Umm Louie? Are you here already?"
"Do not even talk to me!"
"Louis, its not like it seems!"
"You just told him you love him, and you will break up with me, Cooper!"
Tears were streaming down my face. It hurted.
"But I can expl-"
"You don't need to!!" I screamed and ran away. To our school.

When I entered my and one another guys room, I think his name was Harry, and locked myself in bathroom. I let my tears stream down my face. I saw glass of water on sink. I throw it on floor. I took biggest piece of glass. I went with it through my wrist. One cut. Second... I cuted four times. Blood was all over the floor, but I didn't care. Losing someone you really love, really hurts. I pressed my back against wall and closed eyes. I was still crying.

"Louis?" Voice came from room.
"Louis, are you here? Can I come in?" I recognise Harry's, my roommate, voice.
"Whet happend? I will come in. Ok?"

Suddenly I heard doors opening. Tall guy with long curly hair and crystal green eyes, was standing next to me.

Harry's pov
I opened the door of bathroom. Short guy, with messy brown hair was sitting on floor of bathroom. I saw blood on his wirst, and also on floor.

"Holly fuck, Louis! What happened?" I asked
He was chatting the breath.
"I- Cooper, my boyfriend, broke up with me" he said. When this words came out of his mouth, he started to cry even more.

I know it's not right time for thinking it, but, he was gay? I barely saw him, we never really talked, but its probably something what I should remember.

I sat on floor, next to him and hugged him. I took his hand, the one he has hurted. I help him to stand up and took him to sink. I washed his wirst, and putted blanket on it.
"Thanks" he shortly said. I took him to my bed, because it was lower.. And help him lay down it was already 8pm, god knows how long was he in bathroom. It was time for dinner but I decided not to go. I was also thinking about spending night out, with Niall, my best friend, but I guess I will cancel planes, since is better to stay with Louis.
He probably has friends too, but I am his roommate, so we should anyway get closer.

"Do you need something?" I asked him, sitting on his bed, while he was lying.
"No, and thank you because you take care of me. Now you probably have plans with your friends, or girlfriend to go out... Don't worry. I will be alright."
Girlfriend? Nah. I broke up with one not really long ago, because she cheated.

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