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Harry's pov

I love rain. I love sitting next to window, and listen to rain falling on it. I love how it calms me down.

I looked down at Louis. We were in our room, it was already 11pm. I couldn't sleep. We are going at my parents for weekend. I know my mum accept us, but I am still nervous what will say my dad. He wasn't home when I told my mum about me and Louis. We will go there with train, I hope it will be still raining while we will be driving.


I woke up to hand playing with my curls. I looked up and saw Louis' blue eyes and his nice smile. I smiled back and pressed kiss to his cheeks.

"Morning babe" I said sleepily.
"We have to leave in 1 hour, love. Our train will be at station at 10.15am"
"Lou, just few minutes more of cuddles, okay?"
"I would love to too, but we need to get ready, Haz, please wake up"
"Okay, just kiss me, prince"
"Of course, princess" Louis smiled, pulling me into kiss.


"We are here" Louis said as we came on the train station. We didn't go on underground, because if we would, we would have to change train so many times. We bought ticket and we had just one more minute to find our train.

"See, this happened because you wanted to stay in bed longer" Louis smiled.
"Oh I am so sorry because I love when mister Perfect is cuddling with me" I said and wrapped my arm around his waist.
"Oh, I think you said it wrong, you are mister Perfect" he said
"Do not joke" i said and connected our lips. We were finally on our place to wait train, which wasn't here yet.

Train finally arrived. We walked on it with our hands connected. We sat in our train coupe, which had 6 sits and little table, but since there wasn't a lot of people on train, it was just ours.

"I made us sandwiches, do you want one?" I asked after about thirty minutes of ride.
"I want you, Harry"
I blushed and placed sandwich on table and get closer to Louis.
"I want you too, Lou, but we are on train"
"I don't care. They need to knock if they want to enter, and we already showed them tickets"

He started to unbottoning my pants and went under them and my boxers with his hand. He grabbed my member and started to moving his hand up and down. I was already hard but this turned me on even more.
Suddenly he took it out of my jeans and moved his head down to it. He took my member into his mouth. God, such a good felling.
I let out a loud moan.

"Im coming Lou... Fuck" I said as I felt v coming out of me.
"I love it" I looked down at my legs and saw Louis here.
Then there was a knock on the door. Fuck.
Louis fastly stood up, and I zipped my pants. There was a little trace of cum on my pants but it wasn't really noticeable. More noticeable was trace on seat. Shit

I finally open the door. There was young, about 20 years old girl standing here.
"Do you want something to drink? Or maybe little snack?" She asked.
Seriously? She ruined my an Louis' moment for asking us if we want to drink something?
"I would like to have a water and packet of chips" I heard Louis voice from behind me.
"And you?" She turned at me
"Just water, please"

Then she left and we closed door again.
"Fuck, I loved it Harry, sorry because she ruined it"
"It's okay, it's not your falout. I am just feeling so bad for her, what If she saw whatever?"
"Hers bad" Louis answered, and pulled me into long kiss. Our tounges danced so perfectly together.

We got our water and chips. There was just half more hour of ride. It started to rain lightly and Louis felt asleep on my shoulder, so I played with his messy hair.

When we finally arrived it was about 12pm. The train station was just few minutes away from my family's house, so we walked here. We were holding hands and some people gave us disgusted looks, but I didn't care. I love Louis, and they can't change it.

We finally arrived at my parents house. I knocked. We had to for few seconds then my mum opened door.

"Hi Harry!" She said happily and hugged me tight.
"You must be Louis! Harry told me a lot of good things about you on calls. Nice to meet you!" she said and hugged Louis too.
"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Styles"
"Oh, just call me Anne" my mum smiled at Louis.
"Dad will maybe be home tomorrow, he is on job trip" my mum said and looked away.
"Why is he always on trip when I came home? Does he not accept me?"
"He does, Harry, but you know what he job is like. Lets go in kitchen now"

We nodded and entered the house. It still had the smell I was used to know. The smell of home.
We ate lunch which was really good. Yeah my mum is good cook.

After lunch we sat on couch and watched some movies. Louis laid on couch with his head on my knees, so I could play with his hair. He is so adorable.

The night finally came. I wanted to enter my old room when I heard my mum's voice.
"Um, i am sorry, but you guys won't sleep together. I really don't want you to do...things.... or hear... anything"
"But mum, we would just cuddle, we sleep in room together all-"
"No, Harry." She cut me of.
I rolled my eyes and went into Gemma's old room, letting Louis stay in mine.

"I'll come at night at yours, right babe? I am so sorry because we can't sleep together" I said before leaving his room.
"It's okay love, good night now, see you at night'' Louis said back, and gave him passionate kiss, before I left.

It was around midnight, when I decided to join Louis in room. I knocked two times and wait for second that he opened them. I blushed when I saw that he is only wearing boxers. God he looked so fucking hot.

''You like staring at me. Don't you?'' he said with a smirk.

''I can't help that you are so fucking hot, love'' I said as I went to him to kiss him

This chapter is boring, i know lol.

Anka x

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