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Louis' pov

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Louis' pov

I woke up to beautiful memory of last night. Harry made it really unforgetful. I pressed kiss on Harry's forehead. I stood up when I realized that it am still naked.

I dressed in some sweatpants and some band oversized shirt, than i took my laptop. It was last week of school, and as I promised Harry, we will get flat together. I was already looking for a job and I found one in some music shop. It wasn't paid really good, but also not bad. We could live with it. I also already talked with my mum about her borrowing me some money for flat. I am glad she wasn't mad at me for or not telling her about my first boyfriend anymore. Iwas sure that we will just rent it, so when we will be older we could buy something bigger or even house.

So I opened page with apartments and took look at some of them. Of course, I will ask Harry for help, but I need to sort some choises. I didn't even notice that Harry sat next to me.
"Morning, love" he said suddenly.
"Jezz, Harry, you scared"
"Sorry" he said smiling, kissing me. "What are you looking at?"
"You remember when I said that we will get apartment together?" I asked.
"I started looking for it. I already found some good, but of course, I will ask you for help"
"I can't wait to live alone in apartment with you, Lou"
"I can't either" I said, going through his curls with my hand.

The week passed by quickly. Of course, for me, it was a little bit emotional, since I knew that I maybe saw some of my classmates for last time. Zayn, Liam and I promised that we won't forget abou each other and that will keep meeting.

So now it's Friday and me and Harry have to go look one apartment in one hour. We also have to empty our rooms till tomorrow at 3pm. We already called his mum and she said that we can stay at their's for next to week, since later she is going on holidays with her husband, Robin.

"Babe, we have to leave" I said to Harry who was cuddling with me.
"Just few more minutes, Lou, please"
"I would love to, Haz, but we have to be at this apartment in less then and hour, and I also want to show you where I got job"

We went on bus. Yes, I had car but it was at my mum's. I will take it when me and Harry got apartment.
We drived for about 30 minutes when we stopped next to some typical London street. There were more different shops and cafeterias. I took a look, when I finally found smaller shop next to Starbucks. I took Harry's hand and we entered. There was an man at desk. He looked about 40.
I looked at his name card. Thomas Wilson. This must be the man I talked to about getting job here.
There was also one about 30 years old woman looking at some guitars. She was probably customer.

"Hello" I said a little bit shyly.
"Welcome boys. What get you here?"
"Ehm, I called about getting job here, about week ago, so I came to look"
"Ah, you must be Louis. And you young man?" Thomas smiled and looked at Harry.
"Emm, I am Harry. Harry Styles"
"Nice to meet you both. So I guess you are either best friends or something?"
"He is actually my boyfriend" I blushed
"Oh, thats so nice. Don't be scared I will kick you out. I also have a husband" he looked at me. Was it really so obvious that I said it nervously?

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