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Louis' pov

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Louis' pov

The rest of week wasn't really good. Some people keep calling me faggot, but Harry was always with me and helped me being calm. We spent nights with watching movies, most of time falling asleep together.

"Morning Lou" I heard Harry whispering in my ear.
"Let me sleep a little more, please?" I asked
"Okay but is 10am"
"Yes but its Saturday"
"Okay. Sleep then. I will just go on a walk, see you later" he said, leaving the room.

Harry's pov

I left room and walked out of school building. I wanted to enter smaller café but a some strenger's hand touched me. 
I turned around and saw Emma, my ex-girlfriend, standing behind me.

"Hi Harry. Missed me?"
I looked at her. Her sometimes long, light hair, were now cut to shoulders, coloured on light shade of brown.
"Hi Emma"
"Really nice to see you. We haven't talked in about four months now"
"Yeah" i answered, clearly letting her know that i don't want to talk with her.
"Look, I know that you are still mad at me but, could you, please, give me another chance?" she asked.

I was waiting outside the cinema, on my girlfriend, Emma, to come. Because she was late I started to walking around when I saw her with another guy they were holding hands and drinking from the same glass. It broke me and i had no clue what to do. I called her name silently, just in case if  that would be someone else. When she saw me she fast dropped the boy's hand and pushed a drink away.
"Harry, what are you doing here?" She asked
"I was waiting on you to come on our date, well i guess we won't have it! And who the hell is this guy?!"
"I can, um, explain"
''Oh, really? That you forget to cancel our date for hanging out with some other boy? You both can fuck off. We are over, Emma.''
[End of flashback]

"I don't know. Come in on tea or coffe with me so we can talk about it?" i sighed and followed her inside. Maybe i should give her a chance? To forget about my weird feelings for Louis.
We entered the Cafe and sat to table. Then we ordered our drinks.
"Why are you not anymore with this guy" I asked
"Harry, I know that you're the one from me"
"Will you please give me another chance and go once out on a date with me?"
"Umm, alright." It can't be that bad? It would help me lose those strange feelings for Louis, I don't have a chance with him anyway.
"Thanks you Harry here here you have my phone number call me later"
We drank drinks to the end. And she hugged me before I left.

When I came back to room Louis was already awake.
"Hi Haz, how was outside? You vere gone for pretty long, actually'' he asked
"I ugh met my ex and she asked me if, um, I would give her another chance, we are going on date today's evening."
"Ah, amm, that's nice" 
"So what do you want to do today we still have time it's just morning" he asked.
"I don't know it's 12am we should go on lunch somewhere?"
"Okay then we can go in cinema or something I haven't been in one in forever." Louis suggested.
I nodded in respone.

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