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God, I have so hot boyfriend

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God, I have so hot boyfriend. Louis is so damn perfect.

Suddenly I felt his body pressing mine on wall. He was kissing me down my neck to my hips. I was really hard and he probably noticed it. "Wanna more babe?" He asked
"Yeah... But I, I don't think I am ready" I said shyly
"It's okay, Haz. Its ok if you are not ready yet. Ok?"
"Yeah" I nodded.
He kissed me on check softly.
We slept together, as always.

We had just two months more of school, then Louis will left. I mean he said he will try to get a job and flat so we could live together. I hope we could.

"Morning love" I hard soft voice next to my ear
"Mmm... Lou, can I sleep for few more minutes?"
"But love, you have classes in half hour"

Louis' pov:

I walked in my class and saw Liam already waiting me on our seats.
"Hey bro" I said
"Hi Louis. I heard you were at Harry's at weekend. How was it? Did you do anything?"
"God damn, Liam, no we didn't do anything. By the way, where is Zayn?"
"He felt bad so he stayed at home"
I nodded. Then the door opened. I turned in their way because I thought teacher came but it wasn't teacher.
It was Cooper. He was back in school.

I turned back at Liam fast, hoping Cooper won't see me.

"Hello Louie" I heard his voice next to my ear.
I ignored him. He sat on Zayn' s chair, next to me.
"Ignoring me, don't you? I heard you ar dating this Harry guy. Seriously? He is such a nerd!"

"Don't talk about Harry like that! And he is tausand times better then you!"
"Wouldn't say. He is just... Boring. He looks boring"
I wanted to slap him so much, but Liam stopped me. I was thankful because right this moment teacher entered the classroom.

"We will talk later, Louis" Cooper once again smiled and turned around.

The class actually went really quick. Liam noticed that I wanted to leave classroom as fast as I could, because I really didn't want to talk with Cooper.

When I came back in room Harry was already here. He looked so hot shirtless, just in sweatpants. I gave him kiss and took my math book. I had to go at my math teacher's classroom because she wanted to talk with me about my grades.

I left room and made some steps when I saw Cooper. Again.

"Hi Louie, looks like you were looking for me?"
"Shut the fuck up and let me go!"
"No until you will admit that you still love me"
"I love Harry! Not you you freaking jerk!"
"Don't lie baby"
"But i-" I wanted to say but he cutted me off with a kiss. I wanted to pull away, I really did, be he was holding me to strong.

When I finally pulled away I saw Harry. He was standing at door of our room. I saw tears in his eyes and I looked back at cooper and punched him.

"Harry! I am so sorry, it's not like it seems, he kissed me i-"
"Don't talk to me, Louis" he screamed and rimmed back to room. I wanted to run after him but I heard Mrs. Wilson voice.

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