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Louis' pov
We left or room. We were were walking for about ten minutes when we came to McDonald. We ordered our meals and sat to table.
"So, should are you better now?" Harry asked
"Somehow, thanks for taking care of me"
"No problem Lou"
Lou. He called me Lou. I liked it. It was much better than Louie, as Cooper called me.
We were back at room at about 4pm. I knew I still have to finish my physic homework so I took my book and started answering some stupid question. I must have need doing it for long, because when I looked on clock it was already 8pm.
"Did you finish?" I heard Harry's voice from bed.
"Yeah, why?"
"We should go out for a while, maybe get drunk"
Out? Get drunk? Harry didn't really seem like he drinks a lot. But this is what I need. Boys night out.
"Ok, lets go then" I took my jacket and putted it on.

We were walking through streets when we came to one shop. We bought beer, took it and went to one park. We sat on bench, drinking beer. I felt so free. So happy. I took Harry's hand and we were running through streets. I didn't know where we were going but I felt so happy. Suddenly it started to rain. It brought me back to reality for a little bit, so I realized i was holding his hand. I stepped it down.

I use to have few nights like this with Cooper, but tonight I felt different... Better...

Suddenly I felt his lips on mine. Well this was unexpected. I didn't kiss him back, but I also didn't pushed him away. So he did.

"I am so sorry Louis, I-"
I just nodded. I didn't know what to reply.
It started to rain even more and we were really wet. I looked at Harry. His hair looked straight, and that made them look even more long. He looked so pretty.

Harry's pov
When we came back to room it was already more then 11pm, so we have to sneak in in silent.
We locked door, when he started to laugh.
"What is so funny?" I asked
"I don't know it's just-" I didn't let him finish. He was very drunk.
"Lay down in bed, please. You are drunk. I will bring you water."
"It's okay-. I don't need it"
"You do, now lay down please. You can lay in my bed, so I will in yours". I get him glass of water.
He took it but then he got all bold. Fuck, what if he throws up?

And he did. He runed to bathroom, throwing up in sink.

"You okay, Lou?"
"I- my stomach hurts me, I think I will go lay down now"
I nodded.
I wanted to climb on his bed, which was now mine, I guess, but he grabbed my hand.
"Could you um... Please stay with me?"
"Oh... Okay..." I said
He wrapped his arms around me.
His arms tauched me and felling was amazing. He has probably done this with Cooper a lot of times. Not that I was jealous on Cooper, no, I was just scared for Louis, he deserve to be loved.

When I next day woke up I realize it was already 11am. I went out of my bed, checking Louis'. It was empty and cold, he probably left room one hour ago. I also saw little paper on table.

"I just went out on a walk and coffee.
See you till lunch.
Louis X"

Ah he is so adorable. Since I didn't talk with Niall yesterday I decided to go in his room for a while. I opened door, seeing one girl and Niall's roommate kissing.
"Fuck! Sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Knock next time!" Guy yelled
"I am sorry, but do you know where is um Niall?"
"How the hell should I know? Leave now!"
I left room. How could Niall live with this guy? I took phone, texting Niall.

Me: hey mate. Where are you?
Niall: you are asking? I was trying to find you yesterday whole day! Where were you?
Me: sorry, I spent day with Louis. So where are you right now?
Niall: At McDonald with Ed. Wanna come here?
Me: sure. See you in half hour. Bye H
Niall: Bye

I went back to room took jacket and went out on cold air. Even two days was hot as in hell, now it's freezing. I walked for about ten minutes when I came to McDonald. I just wanted to enter when I noticed nice Shop with teddy bears and other fluffy stuffs next to it. I knew I couldn't but I stepped into it, deciding to buy something for Louis.
I bought one small fluffy panda. I putted it in my bag, finally entering the McDonald. p
I spent next two hour with Niall and Ed.

It was about three when I came back to my and Louis' room. It was completely silent. I thought Louis will be here
I wanted to enter bathroom, but door was locked. Fuck
"Louis, are you in there?"
No answer
"Louis I am breaking the door"
I was pretty sure he is trying to hurt himself again. So I broke door down. What I saw made me blush. Louis was completely naked standing in shower.
"Harry! Why the hell did you enter!"
"I am so sorry Lou, I thought you are trying to hurt yourself!" Then I noticed glass on sink.
"And you did, right?"
He was still standing here naked, tears filling his eyes.
God, he is so hot!
"Why? Why Louis? You Will find someone better than him!"
"You don't understand, Harry! Let me get dressed now!"
I took him glass, making sure he won't cut his wirst again and left bathroom.

Why. Why is he doing this. I thought he got over Cooper.

After few minutes he finally came out of bathroom. He was still crying.

"Sorry, Harry. I didn't mean to sound rude. I am just so low last days. I just-. Just need someone to be with, to spend time with" he cried out
"Oh, Lou, I will be with you. At least we are roommates, we are friends.
Does friends kiss? Like we did yesterday?
"Thanks" he came to me and hugged me. His towel was dangerous low on his waist.
"Also, that's for you" I gave him panda
"Awww thanks you, Harry. What's that for?"
"Because you are my friend" I smiled
I again slept in his bed. He played with my curls and I loved it.

It's Monday. Boring Monday. Since Louis is one year older, we don't have, and never had, any classes together. I hope he is alright.
At lunch I was just as normally sitting with Niall, so I was positive surprised when Louis came to us asking if he, Zayn and Liam can join us. Of course we agreed. But I could felt that Louis wasn't really paying attention. He also didn't eat. I guess we will have to talk later in room

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