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Harry's pov

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Harry's pov

Next day I woke up to another body pressed to mine. It took me few seconds to realise that me and Louis were okay now.

I sighed. I almost bled yesterday but Louis saved me.

I dressed in some sweatpants and shirt. It was friday but we started our classes at just 9am today so I decided to stay in room for a little bit longer.

I watched Louis sleep for few minutes. He slept so piecefuly, he was so cute.

But what are we now? I mean, we are defenetly not dating but I don't think we are just friends?

He woke up in half hour. He saw me and smiled.

"Should we go on breakfast in canteen?" I asked

We were silent whole way to canteen.
We chose out food. I wanted to talk to Louis but I didn't know what to say. We ordered our coffees when he started to talk.

"Harry, I know I already told you yesterday, but me and Cooper are nothing. We are not dating. Jesus we aren't even friends"

I believed him. I mean it's totally possibly that Cooper actually gave something in Louis' drink.

"It's ok, Lou" I answered shortly.
"So would you please, be my boyfriend again? Harry I love you, I just can't imagine living-" he started to talk but I took his hand in mine and smiled.

"Louis, I love you too. I would love to be with you again"

He smiled, landed across the table, and kissed me on cheeks.
"Thanks love" he whispered.

We walked back in boarding school with our hands connected. He didn't know what I was planning to prepare to him. I know we wanted to get a room for one weekend somewhere in hotel, so I decided to do something similar. I will call Liam or Zayn later today so they will hang out with Louis tomorrow in afternoon. I have plan to prepare our room in this time, so we could have perfect night... I knew I was ready to do something more with him.

When we came back to our room I sat down on bed. I didn't want to go on my classes. I just didn't feel do go on them.

"Hazza, is everything alright? You have classes in few minutes"
"I know Lou, but I have a terrible headache, you know, after yesterday."
"Babe, come on, just few more day and than come summer holidays. You can spend some at my parents, while we will look up for apartment'
"Won't your mum be mad? You know, her reaction wasn't really... The best"
"I don't care about her thoughts on our relationship, Haz, I love you. But we will talk about this other time. Now, take a medicine, and go to classes. Ok?'
"Okay, doctor Tomlinson" I laughed.
"Doctor Tomlinson? It sounds good" he laughed, and kissed me on lips.
"Okay, I have to go now, love. See you later" he said leaving room.

Louis' pov

I came to classroom 5 minutes late. It's not like I cared. I sat on my typical seat next to Liam and Zayn.
"Hi bro. You look much happier. Did something good happened?" Zayn asked
"Umm, yes. Actually, me and Harry are back together"
"That's so good, Louis. I knew you two couldn't be without eachother for long time" Liam said

"What about you two? How is your love life going?" I asked both of them
"I actually have a girlfriend" Zayn smiled
"Really? What's her name?'
"Gigi. You probably know her from chemistry class"
"Gigi? Isn't she a cheerleader?"
"She was. She isn't anymore since she got in fight with that girl Kendall in cheerleader group"
"Oh. She must be nice. You need to introduce us to her one time" I said .

The teacher, Mrs. Payton, didn't even notice us talking. She just sat on her chair, looking like she will fall asleep in any second. We had to write something in our notebooks.

"What about you Liam?" I looked now at him
"Nah, nothing interesting. I actually met one nice girl few days ago. Her name is Maya, but she isn't visiting our school, so you probably don't know her"

We spent rest of our lesson just talking about random stuffs.

Day passed by quick. When I came back to room, Harry was already there. He was reading a book.

"Hi babe. Wanna hang out?" I asked
"C'mon Harold, I know you like it" I smirked
"Yeh, you are right sunshine"
"don't be so sweet"
"I can't help, I am watching prettiest person walking on the earth"

I tourned around and saw Niall standing at door.
"Oh hi Niall. Didn't see you. What's the you doing here anyways?" I asked
"I wanted to steal your boyfriend for few minutes, we have to finish some school work. But I guess you lovebirds would rather spend time together. I mean I have no problem with making work alone"
"Oh. Ok Niall. Wait me in your room. I'll be here in two," Harry said.

Harry's pov

I went to Niall's room. We finished work. When I left, I didn't went straight back to mine and Louis' room. I went to Liam's and Zayn's one. Both of them were here

"Hi guys"
"Hi Harry. What are you doing here? Did Louis hurt you? If he did I will -"
"Calm down, Liam. I just wanted to tell you I am making present for him tomorrow afternoon. I want to have special night with him, and I will need time to prepare everything. Could you please hang out with him till about 7pm tomorrow?"
"I actually go home at morning, but I think Liam has time" Zayn said

"What will you do? Will you like, you know, do something in hard?"
"Liam! Please!"
"Ok, ok. Just asking. Ok so i will go out with him. No problem"

"Thanks you guys. A lot. I can't wait on tomorrow. I hope he will like it"
"I am pretty sure he will, Harry" Zayn smiled and hugged me.

Sorry for short chapter, but I have a GOOD IDEA for next one. Oh I also wanted to publish this one week ago, but we had after party and, when we got drunk, we got some challenges to show what is on our phones. Of corse I removed Wattpad because I didn't want to show it, so the whole written chapter was deleted:(
Update will be on in like one week?

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