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I was so excited for date with Harry later tonight. He was at Niall's room, he took some clothes, so I guess he will got ready with Niall. I was standing next to my bed on which I had some clothes I was choosing between. Then I decided to call Zayn. He could help. Liam probably had football practice.

Zayn came in 2 minutes.

"Why didn't you tell me you will go on date with Harry?! I am so happy for you, bro" he said
"Yeah, he asked me today"
"Does he like you too? I mean he asked you out?"
"Ummm, he said he love me too"
"So good Louis. Let's choice your outfit then"

We ended up choosing black skinny jeans, white shirt and jeans jacket. Simple, but I liked it.

At about 7pm Harry came back in room. He looked so hot in black jeans and blue button up shirt.

"Ready to go, Lou?" He asked with so nice smile on his face.
We were walking to restaurant 10 minutes away from school.

"Hello boys, do you have a reservation?" A girl, which was a waiter I guess, asked.
"Yeah, on surname Styles" Harry said.
"Okay, I will show you your table. My name is Caroline by the way, and I will be your waiter for today"

He showed us our table. There was a bouquet of red roses on it. I looked at Harry and he smiled.
"I want you to know you are special, Louis."
"Oh, thanks you so much, Hazza"

Caroline then brought us menus.
"What will you drink young gentlemans?"
"I think coke-" I wanted to say but Harry cut me off
"Red wine for both of us, please" he smiled

"Harry, I don't have a lot of money with me, that will be expensive"
"I will pay, love"

I blushed at name.

"Oh, um, okay. Thanks Haz"

"So, what will you eat?" Harry asked
"I don't know, everything sound so good!"
"You know you can chose whatever, Lou"
"I think I will take tortillas and rice. You?"
"I will try Italian pasta"

Caroline took our orders.

"So, Louis, tell me something about yourself?"
"What exactly, it's nothing special to tell. You already know a lot"
"Maybe how you found out you are gay?"
I blushed.
"So, girls never attracted me. I kinda liked Cooper, but when I gave more attention to you, I just noticed you are, um, perfect" I blushed even more. I probably looked like a tomato.
"That's nice."
"What about you Harry? How did you found out it?"
"Um, I was pretty sure I am straight before we started to talk. But when I looked at you bettter- I just noticed you are most beautiful person on the world and when we first kissed, remember, it was raining, I just more wanted you"
"Aw, thanks"

We talked about some other stuffs, when we got food, it was delicious.

When we payed and went out, it was already about midnight.

We were slowly walking through streets, our hands were almost touching, then I intertwined his fingers with mine. He looked down at me and smiled. Then he stopped. He turned in my direction, and looked at my lips. I looked at his too, when they were suddenly pressed together. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Kiss was long and passionate. When we pulled away, I realized we were on same place as where we had our first kiss.

"Be my boyfriend?" He asked
"Of course" I smiled and pressed our lips together once again.
We slowly walked back to our room.

I laid in bed, Harry wrapped his arms and me, I felt so safe. And happy.

[Few week time skip]

I woke up and looked at Harry. He was still sleeping. It is his 19th birthday today and I wanted to make him surprise.
I planned to take him out on a date in evening. I also bought him guitar. He said he always wanted to play it, but his parents never bought him it.
I also bought us a coffee already.
I slowly went to our bad, and went with my hand through his long curls.

"I wanna sleep" he said sleepy.
"Oh come on, wake up, darling, it's your birthday"
"Is it? Oh yeah it is" he said, opening his eyes and smiling.

"I brought us coffee"
I handed him cup with cafe. 
"Thanks love"
"No problem, and happy birthday, of course. Let's drink cafe, then I have something for you. We will also go or on date later"
"Louis! You didn't need to bought me whatever it is, and we don't need to go on date!"
"But I did. I bought you present, and will go on date"
I smiled and pressed him kiss to his forehead.

When we finished our coffees, I took the guitar from under the bed. I also bought black case for it.

"Close your eyes, Hazza!" I smiled
"Oh c'mon just do it"
He closed his eyes and sat down on bad.

"Okay I am gonna put it in your lap, then you can open eyes"
I put the guitar down on his knees.

Harry opens eyes. I wish I would record his smile when he saw guitar.

"Is... Is this for me?"
"Of course, sweetheart! Do you like it?"
"Yes, thenk you so much! I always wanted it!"
"I know love, I know"
He hugged me and pressed our lips together.

"I know you know how to play it, love. Niall said he learned you"
"Oh, um, yeah I can play some songs"
"Play me something, please Hazza"
"Um, maybe tomorrow? I have to get used to it"
"Ok. Now, what about that we stay in bed for some more hours? I love your cuddles, and I love to play with your curls"
"Okay" he hugged me and pressed his lips on mine.

It was about eight in evening, when we left our room to go on date. We were walking to bus station with connected hands.

We entered small restaurant. Almost no one else was here. We sat down on chairs and order our meals.

We came back to room.
"Louis, thank you so much for everything today. This was one of best days in my life"
"No problems, darling"
He pulled me into a kiss.
I felt his tongue inside my mouth. Kiss was long when he suddenly pressed me against the wall.
"I want you so much right now, Lou"
"Harry, we can, we can have one weekend for it, okay? I want you to be really ready for this"
I said even if I wanted to do it right now, but i want him to be prepared. I know it's his first time, so I want it to be special.

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