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ouis' pov
I woke up and saw that there was an empty place next to me in bed, Harry wasnt here.
I dressed in some sweatpants and white plain shirt. I wanted to leave room, when door opened. There was standing Harry, with with a tray in his hands.

"Morning love" Harry said
"Morning Hazza" I smiled.
He handed me a plate with eggs and bacon.
"I made you breakfast meanwhile my mum is in market"
"Oh, thanks Harry" I sat back on bed and started to eat. It was amazing, I mean I am not wondering, Harry is amazing cook.

We sat here laughing when door bell rang.
"It's mum. Or Gemma, she will come today too"
"Your sister?"
"Yeah, she is on uni and she doesn't have a lot of time to be at home. I'll go open now" he left room and went downstairs. I placed empty plate on table and followed Harry.

"Harry!" I heard girly voice and I saw Harry hugging a black haired girl, Gemma.
"Hi sis, nice to see you after months" Harry said

"You must be Louis, right?" She turned in my way
"I am Gemma, Harry's sister. He probably didn't talk about me a lot. But whatever, nice to meet you" she said
"Nice to meet you too"

"Mum will be home in any second, we will have lunch together and them we will go in park for a little, thenme and Louis will need to go back in London" Harry said.

"Ok. I will go take a nap now, I was traveling long" Gemma said and went upstairs.

In less then ten minutes Anne came back from shop.
"Hi guys, hope you slept good. It will took me time to make lunch now, so you can go out for a while" she said
"Yeah, we will, mum. I will just go change" Harry said and I followed him in our bedroom.

He took of his sweatpants and gosh, he is so perfect.
"You know you are the most beautiful man on world, right?" I said walking closer to him
"But the most beautiful man on the world is men I am talking to right now" he smiled and pressd me in hug, pressing his lips on mine.

"Lets go out now, darling' he said pressing me kiss on forehead.

We left house with holding hands.

I can be so happy to have Harry. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve someone so good. He is literally angel. My angel.

"Where are we going?" I asked when we wee walking for about 20 minutes.
"You will see, Lou. Just wait few more minutes"

After about five minutes more of walking we arrived to lonely place near lake. There was jus one bench but no one was there. We sat on bench and I rested my head on his shoulder. He started to play with my hair.

"How did you found this place?" I asked
"I used to go here when I was younger. I went here when I needed peace or when I was sad. It's so peaceful here"
"I agree"

"Hey Haz?"
"Yes love?"
"You promise you will never leave me?"
"I promise Lou, I love you baby"
"Love you too, Haz"

We sat here for next few minutes. He told me some stories from his childhood, for example how he was once mad at Gemma because she stole his idea for mum's birthday present or how once he broke leg on bike and he didn't want to tell parents so he stayed at his friend's.

Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and dragged me into a long passionate kiss. I kissed him back, when I felt his tongue in my mouth. I did same. Our tounages were dancing in each other mouths when his phone rang.

"Yes?" He answered and putted phone on speaker
"Hi Gemma here. You should come home, lunch will be done in a hour"
"Yes yes we will be home soon, just let us continue something"
"What were you- oh just forget, I don't want to know. Just be home in one hour, bye bro"

"Should we go back?" I asked
"We can be here for twenty more minutes. It's just half hour of walk and we can come few minutes faster"
"Ok babe" I gave him fast kiss.

We ate lunch together with Gemma and Anne. She is really good cook. Harry got this form her.
"So, guys, I want us to talk about some things" Anne said.
"What exactly?"
"You guys are in relationship for four months now, and I understand if you want to do something more-"
"Mum!" Harry cutted her of.
"Harry, please jus let me continue..."
"But mom, we are enough old to know these stuffs!"
"Harry, I just wanted to say to be careful and use protection"
"We know" he said and rolled his eyes.

When we finished with eating it was already there in afternoon.

"Oh, I thought we will have time to go out now, but I guess I will drive you back in London now" Anne said to me and Harry.
"Ok we will pack our stuffs. When will we leave?"
"In half hour. Get ready" Anne smiled and started to cleaning the dishes.

When we came in room Harry locked the door after us
"We have 30 minutes love"
"Yeah, I know I will pack-"
"Make me" Harry said
I turned at him and saw him blush
"Sorry I didn't mean to- I mean if you don't want-"
"Sit on bed, babe" I cutted him off

He sat on bed and I started to unzipping his jeans then he took them of. I started to thrust my hand slowly into his boxers.
"Just do it Lou" he said.
"Don't worry, I will" I said and took his cock out of his pants. First i was moving my hand down and up on it then I took it to my mouth.
"God, this feels so good!" Harry said and left out a moan. I did it faster and he moaned even lauder.
"Louis I am go..." He wanted to say, but I felt his cum in my mouth. God, such a good feeling!

"Guys! What the hell are you doing?!" I heard Gemma's voice outside the door.
"Mum said that we will leave in ten, and I am pretty sure you still didn't pack anything!" He continued.

"Don worry, we will be down in ten" Harry said. I left his member and he putted his jeans back on.

"We will once get a hotel room for weekend, okay love?" I asked, hoping he will agree, because I really wanted to do this with him.
"Yes baby. Lets pack our things now, ok?"
I nodded. We packed our clothes and other things, and went downstairs. Anne was already waiting her on us.

Harry's pov

We were driving in car, me and Louis sat in back seats together, for less then oneinute when my mum started to speak.
"What the hell where you doing in room before we left? And don't say that nothing. I heard your moaning, Harry!" He looked at me strictly.
"We just... Kissed"
"I didn't sound like kiss. To be honest, I don't want to know what you were doing. Just be careful, Harry you know your cousin got some infection because of sex and she had to go in hospital"
"Mum, we weren't having sex!"
She just stood silent.

Suddenly I felt Louis'hand on my crotch. I was so fucking hard, and Louis probably noticed this because he smiled at me and unbottbed my pants. He didn't went under boxers but he was touching my member and I felt so horny. I moaned silently but my mum noticed it.

"Harry! What are you two doing? If you won't stop one of you will come on passenger seat nex to me!" She said angrily. Louis withdrew his hand and smiled at me.

When we arrived back to our school it was already about 7 30pm, so me and Louis had to go in our room.

I wanted to go shower when Louis pulled me in kiss.
"Can I take shower wit you, babe?" He asked
"Sure, Lou" I kissed him back.

Louis took off all of his clothes and damn he is so perfect. He wrapped one of his arms around my back. I could felt his member touching mine. He was really hard. I was too. We entered the showers and set up hot water. Louis took some shampoo on his hand and putted it into my curls.

"I love your curls Harry. Please never cut them"
"I won't" I said pressing kiss at his neck. I made sure I left sign here.

Okay so here is next chapter. Second in 24 hours. So umm just one more month of school. Hope y'all enjoy story.
Don't forget to vote and comment.
Stay safe, and I love every single one of you!
Anka X

New part will be on this week I guess.

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