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Harry's pov

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Harry's pov

I couldn't believe my eyes. He was kissing Cooper. And he didn't push away. He kissed him back. Tears filled my eyes.

"Harry!" He screamed
I just ignored him and ran back to toilets. I walked in one cabin and locked it.

I didn't have razors with me so I just sat on toilet and cried.
I heard the door opening.
I just ignored him.
When he after 10 minutes finally left, I ran out.

I came back to gym, and I couldn't see Louis nowhere.

I took a glass of beer and drink it in few seconds. When I turned around I accidentally ran in a girl, named Taylor.

Then I got one idea. I wanted to give Louis what he gave me.

About year ago I heard that she has crush on me. So I pulled her in hug and kissed her.

"What, what was this Harry?"
"I like you"
"Aren't you gay? And dating that Louis guy?"
"Oh, um, no. He is an idiot"

He pressed her lips on mine. Yes, kiss was good, but it could never be as good as Louis'.

I didn't even think about what will happen when I will go back in room and have to be alone with Louis.

The time passed by, it was already 2am. I didn't see Louis at party anymore.
I went back to room. Louis wasn't here yet. I bet he stayed at Cooper's. I still had a glass of beer in my hand.

I drank it fast

Then I layed down in bed. I tried to fell asleep. But I couldn't.
Suddenly door opened.

"Harry?" I heard familiar voice. I was awake, but I pretended that I slept. I didn't want to talk to him

Louis' pov

After I kissed Cooper, I didn't see Harry nowhere. Well, I saw him just around this girl Taylor, but I don't know why, it didn't bother me.

I stayed at party to about 3am. When I came back to room, I saw Harry laying in bed, but I knew he didn't sleep.

He just turned around.
"Harry, I know you are not sleeping. Please talk to me"
I said and walked to his bed. I saw two empty cans of beer laying next to it

"Why should I talk to you, Louis?! You left for your ex. You just used me to get Cooper back. I hate you!"
"Harry, I, when I drank drink he gave me, I just felt different, like that I had to kiss him"
"Don't lie, Louis. You still love him" he said, covering his ears with hands.

I knew that he wouldn't listen to me, so I just sighted an layed in bed. What did I do? What was in this drink Cooper gave me?

Next morning when I woke up, Harry wasn't here anymore.
And I had terrible headache. I took some painkillers and sat back in bed, thinking about last night. Why the hell I kissed Cooper? I knew I disappointed Harry.

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