13 (smut)

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It was about 5pm when I finally came back from Niall's room so I finally had time to make everything perfect for tonight

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It was about 5pm when I finally came back from Niall's room so I finally had time to make everything perfect for tonight. I wanted to have amazing night with Louis. Just for us.

It was Saturday and most of other students went home. Happily I knew that rooms next to our are empty... It's better like this.

I walked out and first went at florist's. I bought some roses for Louis. Then I went in supermarket few meters away where I bought some led lights and candles.

When I came back in room I put roses in vase with
water and placed it on table. I pasted lights on walls, and postponed candles in bathroom, ready to light them on later.

I still had about half hour of time so I went in Chinese and bought us some food. When I came back, I served it on plastic plates (because I didn't have any
real one) and placed a wine glasses on table next to it.

I dressed in light blue bottom up shirt, on which I left upper few buttons opened, and black skinny jeans. I knew that Louis wasn't dressed like this for going out so I prepared him some of his clothes to dress in them when he comes back.

In less then two minutes there was a knock on door. I stood up from bed to open door. I was nervous. I knew that Louis could just enter simply but he knocked. And I liked it.

"Hi Harry... Um, is everything ok? Were you with someone?" He asked looking in room.
I didn't answer first so he continued.
"Harry, did you just made a date for someone and sent me out so you could be with him or her?"
"Louis, love. That's for you. Don't worry. I would never cheat on you"
"Really?" He asked. "But Harry, I am dressed like I just came from run, I need to change. You look so fancy in these clothes"
"I prepared you something" I said and handed him jeans and grey button up.
"Thanks babe" he said, quickly changing in new clothes.

"We should go eat now, Lou. Before food gets cold"
"You made us dinner?"
"I bought it actually. I didn't have time and place to cook, sorry, I knew that you would prefer home made food"
"Harry, its ok. Let's go eat, ok? I am hungry" he said smiling.
I pressed kiss on his cheeks, and followed him to table.

We ate, talking about random funny childhood stories.

After we finished I took plates to throw them in bin, and when I did, Louis hugged me from back.

"You know how much I love you, Harry? To the moon and back"
"I love you even more, baby" I said.

Then he pressed his lips on mine. Kiss was deep, passionate, and amazing. Suddenly I felt his tongue in my mouth. I couldn't control myself anymore. I stripped down his shirt, so he did mine. He started kissing me down my neck. I felt him kissing me on my neck just on one place, I was pretty sure that I will have sign here tomorrow. I unbottoned his jeans and took them of him, he did mine. We were now just in boxers and I was, not gonna lie, really hard. I looked down and this boxers and he was too. I smiled and connected our lips once again.

"Harry, are you ready for something more?" He whispered.
"Never so much as right now" I whispered back.
"I am so glad you will take my virginity, babe" he said.
"So am I. You will take mine too. But we should move in bed now" I smiled back.

As he took off my boxers and started to playing with my cock first. I was so hard, and I knew he was teasing me.

"Louis, plese, do more, I can't- I can't wait-" I moaned.
"Everything will come on time, love"
He kept playing with my cock for few seconds.
"Hazz, did you, umm, buy lube?"
"No, why?"
"It would be easier with it. But I think I have one. I bought it weeks ago for us, but we weren't, really good, you know"
"Oh yes" I said, not liking to think of weeks when me and Louis didn't say even a word.

He stood up and walked to his wardrobe he had to remove some things from it to find lube.
"Here it is" he smiled and showed me small pink bottle.

To be honest I didn't really know what it is and how to use it, but I was sure Louis did.

Louis' pov

"Now show me your beautiful butt, babe" he smiles.

I lay down, so my butt is directed towards Harry.
"Thanks honey" he says, and press me kiss on it.

He put one finger in and god, it feels so good. I start moaning.

"More, please, more" I say. He puts in another finger and starts moves it. He take a condom and puts it in. I moan. Again.

He slowly removes fingers and place his tip to my entrance. He push himself into me and start moving it. Jesus it feels do fucking good. Especially because his member is so fucking big.

"How is it, Lou?" He ask.
I want to answer but instead of words out of me comes just moan.

"Hazz, i- I'm going to come-" I start but then I come all over the bed. I feel bad for doing it in our boarding school room.

Just few seconds later he comes too. Directly inside of me and it feels so good.

He pull out and press kiss on my lips.

"This was so perfect. You are so perfect" he says.
"You re more. And I love you so fucking much" I say
"Love you too" he says kissing me on neck.

He takes the blankets and covers us with them. Then he wraps his hand over me.
"Thank you for tonight, Lou. It was perfect"
"Thank you too, babe" I answer.
"Good night"
"Night" I smile.

It was best night I ever had. And I am so happy that Harry was one who took my virginity.,

I know it was bad heh. Idk I tried to write smut but nvm. Also sorry for late update but I was at my cousin's.

New chapter will be on in maybe week to two?

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Love you all! Anka xx

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