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I asked Harry if I can sit with him on lunch. He agreed. I went to Zayn and Liam to ask them to join us, when I got message. From Cooper.

Cooper: hi Louie. Please come to my room today at 8pm?
Me: why would I?
Cooper: I know you still love me and miss me Louis
Me: I don't!
Cooper: oh come on, give me another chance. Or do you want all school to know that your father left your mom because you are gay and he was disgusted at having gay son? And that you had to move schools because of this? And that you have huge social problems and you can't even make friends?
Fuck. How did he know it. How? Liam and Zayn are only ones who I told it!
Me: what? Where did you hear this?
Cooper: it's not important honey. So see you there!

I was thinking about this all lunch. I didn't listen to boys or eat. I didn't want to see Cooper. What will he want to do with me? Maybe he will just want to have a talk? 

After lunch I went right in room, Harry wasn't here yet. I guess he have another class. I laid in bed. I was actually excited to see Cooper. Maybe he was just joking with telling others my secrets and he actually wants to give me another chance.
I fell asleep when the door opened.

Harry entered.
"Hey Harry"
Then I just realized that I was still just in boxers.
"Umm give me a second, I need to got dressed"

I went in bathroom. I still had here some shorts and sweater so I put them on. Then I stood next to mirror for a second.
Do I look okay?
Wait... Why I care how I look? Harry it's just my friend, I don't need to look good.

I went back to room. Harry was now sitting on bed, scrolling through phone.
I sat beside him
"Um so can we talk for a little?" He asked
"Why were you acting so weird on lunch? You didn't eat or talk to us. Did we do something wrong?"
"No you didn't do nothing wrong it's just .." I felt tears in my eyes.
Oh c'mon Louis, don't cry next to Harry, he can't think you are weak.
"Lou, you know you can trust me"
"Harry, Cooper wants to meet me tonight. I am not sure what should i do. He said that if I don't show up he will tell others my secrets"
"Why would he do this? And if you don't mind, can I ask you what this secrets are?"

I shoked my head. I just can't tell him. I don't want him to leave me.

''I am so sorry."
"It's okay, Lou. Do you want me to go with you?"
"Just to his door please"
"Okay" he kissed my forehead.

Rest of evening we spent doing homework and learning. We didn't talk about Cooper anymore.
At eight we walked to Cooper's room. Before I entered Harry told me that he will be waiting me either here or in our room.

I finally entered Cooper's room.
Room was dark, just night light was on.

"Oh hey Louie. Looks like you decided to come"
Copper stood up from his bed.
"Do you wanna have a little fun?" He smiled
"I- Cooper what do you want? Why did you call me to come?"
"I miss you Louis"
He pressed me against the wall.
Fuck! This obviously isn't good!
I wanted to push him away but he was to strong. Then I felt his arm unbuttoning my jeans. Fuck.
He put his hand inside my boxers.
"You like it ah?" Cooper smiled
"No! I don't!"
"Don't say it Louie, I know you love it!"
He striped down my shirt and jeans. He was already just in boxers.
He pressed his lips on mine, putting his tongue in my mouth.
"Louis! Show some energy or you know what I will do!" He pointed on his phone.
"Cooper, please, don't, I told you we are done!"
"Oh then I am sorry Louie, but I am in huge mood for sex"
"Well, I am not, specially not with you!" i yelled back at him
"You are such a jerk, Louis"
He took his phone, typing something. I was just standing here and watching him, i had no clue what to do.
"I am gonna post this on Facebook and Twitter right now if you won't do what I said!"
"Please, no"
He pressed the 'publish' button.

At this moment i didn't even care what he just posted. I took my clothes and ran out of his room.

As i came into my and Harry's room, i couldn't hold my tears back anymore. I ran to Harry, who hugged me, and let tears stream down my face.

Harry's pov
I was reading book when Louis suddenly entered the room. He ran to me, wrapping his arms around my torso.
"Lou, What's wrong?"
I went with hand few times through his hair. After few minutes he calmed a little.
''He posted some shit about me on twiter and facebook, because i didn't want to... you know... with him''
His face was in pillow, but I could still hear him crying.
"Lou, just leave him alone. No one will ever belive him anyway. He is an asshole''
"I know Harry, but it still hurts"
I hugged him tightly as I could.
"You know you can trust me, Lou. I love you"

Room went silent after that. I heard Louis soft breaths on my chest, I could tell he fell asleep. Not long after him, i fell asleep too. 

I woke up when Louis was still sleeping. He looked so cute. I looked at the clock and saw it was already 9am. Well, since we are already late, we could just skip full day, right?

I didn't want to wake Louis up, so I guess we will skip today. I texted Niall, telling him I am felling bad, which was obviously a lie and laid back to Louis in bed.

I had time to think.
Why I always get that feeling in my stomach when Louis touches me? I am straight. Or I just think so? Louis is just so... Perfect.
I remembered that Louis said that Cooper posted some of Louis' secrets. I wasn't curious but I wanted to know what was Louis hidding.
I opened Twitter first checking if Cooper posted something here.
I entered Cooper's name, and saw his last two tweets.

*@ louis.tomlinson looks like your parents got divorced because your father was to embarrassed to have gay son. It was fun using you though, you should know that no one wants to be with freak like you*

I was looking at screen. I mean I knew Louis was gay but I didn't know that his dad had such a problem with it, why would he? Louis is an amazing person. His dad had to be some asshole.

I looked back at Louis. He was still sleeping. I shook him lightly.
His eyes widely opened.

''Morning Lou''
 ''Morning Haz. What time it is?"
"Fuck I am late!" He said.
Then he looked at me.
"You don't have classes?"
"I do but I am already late so I just said to Niall that I am feeling bad"
"Oh. I guess I won't go to mine either" Louis said climbing out of bed.
"We could go in park"
"Can I just check...what Cooper posted?"
"No Louis. You should just ignore it, okay?''
He noded and went in bathroom to change clothes.

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