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Louis' pov

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Louis' pov

We wanted to go in park, but since it was raining, Harry suggested to go in Starbucks. Harry has asked me few times what Cooper wanted yesterday but I just couldn't talk about it. Not yet.

"Please? We are meant to be friends, you can trust me. I won't tell anyone" I was so sick of him asking. Why can't he leave me alone. I'm so sick about everyone asking me something.
"Oh shut the fuck up, Harry. I don't want to talk about it!" i said, a little bit to loud, leaving the table.

I ran from our table to bathroom and locked myself in there. I didn't want to yell on Harry, I just get like that sometimes when people can't stop with stupid questions.

I also didn't talk to Liam and Zayn for so long now. I checked phone. There few their text but they were all from few days ago. Did they really just forget on me?

I checked if there is any sharp subject. I almost gave up at looking for it when I saw mirror, which probably someone lost, on floor. I throw it on floor again so it broke. I took biggest piece, and held it hand for few seconds, and then I approached to my wrist. I took a deep cut. I felt blood running down on floor but I didn't stop. I touched skin for second time when o heard knocking on the door.

"Louis? Are you in there?" I heard Harry's voice.
I did another cut.
"Louis please open the fucking door!" He yelled.
"Please calm down, boy" someone in cafe said. I didn't know him but I hope he will shut Harry down. I just don't wanna talk to him right now.
"I am gonna-"
He wanted to say something but I cut him off, by opening the door.

"Louis, are you ok? What the fuck did you just done?" He walked in, closing the door behind him.
I didn't say anything. I was still mad because he wanted to know what happened with Cooper, even though I told him I didn't want to talk about it.

He touched my wrist.
"What is this for? If it is because I wnted to know about Cooper, I am sorry, Lou"
I cried.
"It's not because of this, Harry. And if you wanna know, what happened with Cooper, he wanted to sleep with me"
I saw tears in Harry's eyes.
"I'm so sorry Louis. I didn't know this, if I would I wouldn't force in telling me"
" 's okay"
"Let me take a care of your wrist now, okay?"
I nodded. First he washed blood down from my wrist with some water, then he took some papers, putting them on my wrist.


When we came back to room it was already lunch time, so we had to hide in our room, because we weren't at classes today, and we also lied to our friends that we are sick.

"Yes Lou?"
"Thank you once again for taking care for me. Sorry because I didn't want to tell you about Cooper. I should know that I can trust you, that you are my friend."
"It's okay, Louis, I understand that you don't like to talk about this, and that, what Cooper had done to you, hurts. It's okay"
He pressed me soft kiss on my cheeks.

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