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Weeks passed by, Harry was still dating Emma, Louis was getting better, the situation with others calmed down. December finnaly came, and with it, Louis' birthday too.

Harry's pov

It was 23th december, just two more days till Christmas. We had to visit our classes on 23rd and 24rd, but we didn't do much anyway.

In last two months I got really close with Louis. He got over cooper, he was feeling better. I was so happy for him.

Also, me and Emma were still together. But weird was that I didn't really have feelings for her. I liked her, yes, but not as more then friend.

As Louis once said, it was his birthday tomorrow. I felt like I have to bought him something, we became best friends.
It was Friday so I decided to go shopping and buy him something. He was at Liam's and Zayn's room, so I had time.

I went on underground, driving to shopping centre. I didn't really know what to buy him. Sweater or bennie, probably.

I ended up with getting him grey bennie and decorative pillow, which was light blue, matching his eyes.

Louis' pov

I woke up to smell of pancakes in room. I opened eyes, seeing Harry with bag in his hand, dressed in jacket. I guess he just came from shop.

"Morning Lou" he said with nice smile on his face. There was some snowflakes on his curls, he looked so pretty.

"Morning Harold" I answered
"I bought us some pancakes, and, Happy birthday, ofcourse" he said, sat next to me and hugged me.
"Oh, you didn't need to, Haz, thank you s,o much"
"No problem!"
Then he handed me box, wrapped in blue paper.
"That something for you, Lou"
"Oh, Harry, thanks, you didn't need to"
"I had. We are best friends"

I hugged him, opening the box.
I saw one blue pillow and grey bennie inside.
"Haz, thank you so much!"
"No problem, wake up now, we are going to cinema"

In cinema we watched some romantic movie. I felt Harry holding my hand at the end of it. I looked at our connected hands, and smiled.
After it, we went in McDonald near the cinema. We were talking about funny childhoods stories which happend to each of us.

We were leaving McDonald when Harry's phone range. He answered it, talking a little.

"Who was it?"
"Emma, she asked me to hang out, but I said no, because I am spending your birthday with you"
"Harry! You didn't need to say this, go out with her"
"I don't need to, I can stay with you if you want"
"It's ok, Haz, I will be with Liam and Zayn"
"You sure?"

Once he left, I laid down on bed. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in" I said.
I saw Liam and Zayn entering.
"Here you are Lou. We were trying to find you all morning! Where were you?" Zayn asked
"In cinema. With Harry"
"That's nice. And happy birthday mate"
"Happy birthday in my name too" Liam smiled "why do you look so sad though? Is something wrong?"
"Yeah, I actually wanted to talk with you"
"What happened? Its something about Cooper?" Zayn asked
"No, it's, it's about Harry"
"Did he do something bad?"
"No, i- I think I like him, like that I have crush on him. But he is straight so-"
"He is bi" Liam cut me off
"How you know?"
"He told Niall, and since me, Zayn and Niall are pretty close now, Niall told us"
"Ou. But he has girlfriend"
"Yeah, we know"
"Just, don't tell anyone, okay?" I asked

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