Speak of the Devil

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Previously, on Paint the Town Red

Operation: Spideytorch Group Chat

Angel: we're trying to get peter to date johnny storm

Cat: we have to make sure matt doesn't find out tho

Marshmellow: uh

Spider-Baby: about that

Operation: Spideytorch Group Chat

WWW: wdym "about that"???

Angel: don't tell us matt found out

Marshmellow: he found out

Cat: why would u tell him???

Spider-Baby: i didn't!

WWW: Hold up, the author is getting tired of writing Marshmellow and Spider-Baby every time

WWW has changed Marshmellow's name to m

WWW has changed Spider-Baby's name to Baby

Phillie: uh...what?

Cat: he just broke the fourth wall

Angel: yeah it's kinda his thing

WWW: continue

Baby: peter accidentally told Kaine about his crush on Johnny

m: kaine borrowed my phone but this group chat was open

Baby: kaine is like matt combined w/ logan

m: who's logan?

WWW: u don't wanna know

Baby: anyways, kaine told matt, and now they're both hunting you down

Phillie: who's "you"?

m: wade, obviously

WWW: i'm so screwed

WWW: iFWNCG OHUhhuvalvbakaine is attcksghoh me

m: i think he was trying to write "oh no, kaine is attacking me"


WWW: this is kaine

WWW: let peter ask out johnny himself if he really wants to

WWW: he'll get upset if he finds out u meddled

Angel: fine, we won't bother him to much

Phillie: finally, someone agrees w/ me!!!

WWW: alright, bye punks

Phillie: i g2g too

Cat: no phil we need you...

Phillie: sry i'm going on a date

Angel: what?

Angel: with who?

Phillie: amy bendix

Baby: who?

Phillie: Frank Castle's pseudo-daughter

Baby: i-

m: is she pretty?

WWW: hey im back again, what'd i miss

WWW: wait


Cat: honestly, i trust frank with a child more than i trust wade with a houseplant

WWW: okay, wow

WWW: i mean, it's true, but

WWW: you're so mean

Phillie has left the chat

WWW has left the chat

Cat: hey angel

Angel: yeah

Cat: you've been awfully quiet

Angel: ?

Cat: r u sure u don't want to be the one on a date w/ Phil?

Comment deleted by Angel

m: what did u delete???


Angel: don't tell anyone

m: i want to know :(

Baby: i'll dm it to u

m: :D

Angel: nO

Angel: evil child

Angel: i'll summon ur brother

Baby: OwO

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