Peter, Is There Something You'd Like to Share With the Class?

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New York Vigilantes + 1 Canadian

Peter: guys

Danny: yes?

Felicia: SQUEE

Peter: shush let me have my moment

Felicia: fine

Luke: what is it?

Peter: johnny and i are dating :D

Logan: i don't care

Jess: disgusting.

Luke: jessica.

Jess: ugh

Jess: peter, i'm very happy for you, but please never bring him over to my apartment

Peter: good enough

Matt: Peter.

Danny: dad mode activated

Peter has left the chat

Matt has left the chat

Peter Parker to Matt Murdock

Matt: So, you're dating the Storm kid?

Peter: yes

Matt: He doesn't have the best track record for relationships

Peter: the media exaggerates

Matt: Are you sure?

Peter: the bugle thinks i'm training pigeons to take over new york

Matt: Fair.

Matt: Does he make you happy?

Peter: yeah, a lot

Matt: Okay, good enough for me, then.

Matt: Bring him over, I'm still giving him a shovel talk.

Peter: u and the rest of the vigilantes lmao

Matt:  ̄Д ̄ =3

Peter: did u just...

Matt: This is your fault.

Matt: You've corrupted me.


Matt: *sigh*

Matt: love you too, kid

Operation: Spideytorch Group Chat

Cat: so glad they're finally dating

Angel: lol we can delete this chat

Phillie: no we should archive it

Phillie: and show their future kids

Baby: lmao yeah

WWW: wait.

WWW: does kaine know

m: i'm trying to get him in a good mood before i tell him

Baby: sounds legit

Phillie: matt approved already

Cat: peter's already good friends w/ the f4

Cat: so they're going to wait a week or so before telling them

Angel: see, this is adorable

Angel: unlike jean and scott sucking each others faces off in the janitor's closet

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