Another 20 fact challenge

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I honestly forget who challenged me, it may have been @icewinterwitch or @Serin, either way, I got challenged by somebody and I intend of completeing it, (Because I'm stubborn like that)

1. My friends claim I'm stubborn.

But I'm not, I don't care what they say, I'm not stubborn.

2. I wear stripes

I don't know why, I like stripes better than any other type of shirts or tunics. I have a lot of stripy things, even as I write this I'm wearing a blue and white striped tunic.

3. I can cook

If I have a recipe

4. I got a new laptop


for school work -_-

5. My ears are weird

They don't curl at the top, I can bend them outwards and none of my friends can

6. I don't eat cupcakes

When I was five I use to play a game where you put a lot of frosting on the cupcake and throws it at a wall. It's actually a lot of fun to try and be the last cupcake sticking.

7. I have a Big Bang Theory obbsession

I watch them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

*Friend comes over and slaps me, "We get it!"

8. I don't like people on sight

Before I met all of my friends, I didn't like them... because I didn't know them. I don't know how it works, but when I don't know someone, I assume I don't like them until they prove me otherwise.

All of my friends have been worthy of my liking

9. I've only ever broken one bone.

And it wasn't my fault. My sister pushed me off a bed when I was two

10. I can't tell what a cute guy looks like

I know it's a matter of opinion, but I honestly don't...

What do you guys think is a cute guy? (Celebrity wise)

11. I'm uncoordinated with my feet

I can't play soccer, or football, or NRL, or AFL, or anything that involves kicking a ball a LLOOOOONNNNGGGGGGG distance or kicking it along the ground. I can catch any shape of ball, tennis, net, basket, but I can't kick them without falling over.

12. I use to think if you kissed someone, you had to marry them.

Gotta love four year old philosifies

13. I'm not a lazy person by definition... but I am lazy.

14. My favourite colour is black, blue, baby pink and red

I think they look cool... not nessecarily together though

15. My alarm clock is jealous of me and my bed's relationship.

Little bitch...

16. I have a hippo nightlight

It changes colour every thirty seconds XDXDXDXD it's very cool.

17. I've been accused of bring racist

I'm not. I'm really not. When I was in year 7, I was playing handball with some girls in my year, and one of them was black. I'm pretty good at handball, (or I use to be, I don't know anymore,) and I won against the girl who was before her, who was white, and than she came on. She bounced the ball 'out of bounds' and when I pointed this out, she yells at me, "What?! Is it because I'm black? It's because I'm black isn't it. You're such a racist!"

Good God girl! If you're going to use the racist card, use it correctly!!!!!

18. I once missed an air plane ride.

God... I had to wait about three hours for the next one, and I looked so derranged when I ran up to the counter to the lady. I looked like I had attacked someone, (Because I just got out of a nap) and was  total and complete mess.

I eventually got on the plane.

19. I can't speak French

Or Spanish.

Or German

Or Mexican

Or Candaian

Or Japanese

Or Chinese

Or Indian

Or Hindi

Or Islam

Or Russian

Or Greek

Or Latin


Hell, sometimes not even English :P

But I do know how to swear in sign language, tell you my name in French, say 'hi' and 'yes' in most of those languages and do you speak English in about two of them...

Yeah, I'd make a great travel partner (NOTE! COMPELTE AND UTTER SARCASM!!!!)

20. I once got so mad at a friend, I threw a meltin marshmellow at them...

which they later proceeded to eat.

Well... that's more of me you can use to blackmail me on a later date.

Gotta go do some homework now and be productive with my life...

Lol, no. I'm watching No Game, No Life


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