10 things you did t kno about me... Again!

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Blackmagicwizard also challenged me to this :):)
Challenge accepted.

1). I don't eat eggs
They just taste weird to me.

2). I'm not allowed caffeinated drinks.
Not like soft drinks caffeinated, I'm talking red bull, mother, coffee and coke. It's a household rule.

3). I have a proper watch.
NOT A BLOOMING LAZY DIGITAL !! I've always had a normal watch and I can't live without one, my whole world was probably implode because I'm am unaware of what damn time frame I'm in.

4). I'm a pretty funny person.
By funny, I mean I can understand a lot of jokes and I'm able to tell jokes at good times. Humour is timing plus material after all.

5). If you close the door, I'll kill you o.o
It's annoying as hell when I'm in my room and someone doesn't close the door all the way. Annoying!

6) I don't like being on trains.
Too crowded, too annoying, and too annoying when the train tried to steal your fingers.

7). I love the cinema... But not the people IN the cinema
You have the food whores, who eat crisps while the movie is on, (you can't get away with eating those quietly). The loud people who pay like a million bucks for a movie, and just end up ignoring it. Complete and utter idiots who don't even understand the movie. People who throw things. (Got hit in the head by a sippy cup once.) and most completely, the hyena laughers. God I hate those last ones!!

8). I'm an artsy person... But have no art skills whatsoever.
I can't do size or anything like that. As a result, my paintings or drawing look horrible... That's why I project art through writing because the person can make it as detailed as they want it to me.
9). I'm scared of cars.
Pretty self explanatory.

10). I have the power to kill *evil smile.
We all do technically but I'm just gonna pretend I do too... But I'll throw up if that ever happens.

Challenge Completed

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