... 100... 100 facts...

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Do I even know 100 things about me?

1. I'm confused.

2. I'm currently annoyed...

3. My school uniform is blue

4. I have a Pikachu backpack

5. That backpack had matching sunglasses

6. I want to go either into YouTube or the entertainment industries

7. I wanna travel the world before I die

8.  I want to make a difference to someone else's life before I die.

9. I'm female.

10. My favourite novel character is either Skullduggery Pleasant, Celaena Sardothien and Sherlock Holmes.

11. I can't tolerate the taste of coffee.

12.  I can't tolerate the taste of tea.

13 I do drama outside and in school.

14. I have no idea what I want to do with my life.

16. You didn't notice I skipped 15.

17. You just checked.

18. You're smirking from the attempt of this cheesy joke.

19. I go to a Catholic school

20. I talk to myself, or more rant to myself.

21. I play tennis

22. I play netball.

23. When I was in preschool all the teachers would constantly hug me, making me now to this day, somewhat wary of hugs.

24. I base characters off people I want to be. ie different/cooler versions of myself.

25. I wish I needed glasses for some reason.

26. Just got my braces off.

27. I sometimes believe I'm being rude and actually worry about this, but others do the exact same things and don't feel any guilt for it, so that confuses me.

28. I have my learners license but I'm scared to drive.

29. I'm either pan or A sexual, meaning I either care about personality or I don't want anything at all.

30. Incest creeps me out.

31. I find weeaboes somewhat annoying.

32. I've never been to an anime convention of any sorts.

33. I've never cosplayed.

34. I'm in the top 10% in my year.

35. I can't whistle, at least not greatly.

36. I like strikes over dots.

37. I have a door pet peeve where you need to close it or else I'll hate you forever.

38. I hold grudges... for literally ever.

39. I don't use my phone very often. I lose friends because of this.

40. I use to love lego.

41. I'm a winter person

42. I don't like Frozen as much as other people. Not because it's popular, but the story itself is somewhat cheesy, it's decent, but I like other movies and stories better

43. I've never built a snow man

44. Or rode my bicycle down the halls.

45. When I'm tired my knees tingle.

46. I've had 15 guinea pigs in my life since 2005. First one died from my lack of five year old interest. The next three died from dehydration. 7 of them died because dogs kept getting to them at night. Two of them ran away and the last one died of old age.

47. I've only ever had one dog in my life. He is currently 13, I am 15 so he'd literally been a part of my life my whole memorable life.

48. I didn't cry in Toy Story 3 and I don't know what part you cry in... please let me know!!

49. I'm getting bored of this...

50. Gonna stop this half way.

I'm not gonna nominate anybody because I'm a nice person, but feel free to try this yourself. :PXDXD

Writer-brooke out.

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