10 things you didn know about me challenge

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I was challenged by Serin0712
Challenge accepted!

So here goes:

1). I hate breakfast.
I can't tolerate the idea of eating cereal or something as bland as toast as soon as I wake up.

2). I can touch my toes.
True fact right there

3). Never been kissed, never had a boyfriend. To be honest I don't want one.
I'm 15 and I know 5 year olds who have had both -_-

4). I hate cheese.

5). I don't have a piggy bank, I have a cow bank.

6). I'm too booming mature for my age.
I blame stupid people for this and my self diagnosed IDGAF syndrome

7). I'm a shy show off
I know how to make people pay attention to me, or brag about myself or be the centre of attention, and make it look like I don't want to be.

8). I wear a watch on my right hand, and Im Right handed.

9). I love children's movies.

10). My laptop is the birth mother of laptop dinosaurs

Challenge complete.

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