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You'd think I'd be done with this 'About Me' book, but people keep tagging me in things WITH LIKE SEVERAL MONTHS IN BETWEEN!!

I got tagged by Oppai_Executor , and will therefore answer these questions.

1. Why did you join the #LoveMeChallenge?

I dunno, what do you think Oppai_Executor ???

2. A positive word that describes you


I take that as a compliment because I've seen people crumble in new environments, while I apparently can adapt easily.

3. Note from the past

You may be weird, but that's okay. Just keep making yourself interesting.

4. Note to the future.

If life is a game, you can learn to play.

5. An object you love.


6. A beauty quote

Don't change yourself, the world loves the original.

7. A fear you have overcome

The darkness

8. Something you like about you

How cunning/funny I can be, I say this as modestly as possible, but I have noticed I can be funny or witty towards people and I like that I can make people smile.

9. Something that makes you beautiful.

That's not really for me to say I guess. But if I had to say something, I'd say physically; my hair, or personality wise.

10. An outfit you like to wear.

Jumpsuit, you know, the pants and shirt in one. They're very nice to wear in Australia.

11. What makes you unique?

What makes me simple?

12. What makes you happy?

Stories, (books, movies, anime, TV series, other peoples stories, YouTube etc.), a clean room (ICANT STRESS THAT ENOUGH!), a full bookcase, my DS, and hearing from my friends.

13. What makes you laugh?

Comedians, horrible puns, my friends, my family and just... the world sometimes.

14. What makes you feel beautiful?

I dress that looks nice on me, or complements.

Tagging, just the share the love;







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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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