
69 11 4

Okay, I've been asked a couple of questions over my time on Wattpad.
And I get asked the same ones over and over again, and I have time sink thought I'd just... Put them here.

1. Where you from?

2. Are you a boy or a girl?
I'm slightly female.

3. Where do you get your inspirations?
From people, other stories, from my head just thinking stupid crap, and even from other people's stories and mixing them altogether so people can just say 'hey that's similar to mine, but it's not quite that'

4. How old are you?
Why do people care so much!? I'm in my teens!!

5. What are your story recommendations?
They a everywhere on this site, look at the popular ones or even the unpopular ones, who know, you may be classified as the very first fan of a popular story.

6. Where did you get your writing style?
Honestly, I bullshit and extend my sentences to make them longer and to over describe things. It fills the pages so I liked it and I stayed with it.

7. What's your favourite genre?
Fantasy because there are literally no rules as to what can exist and what can be and not be.

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