Top 10 Habit Challenge

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My friend challenged me to write down my top ten stupid habbits.

Here I go;

1). I bite pens.

I hate myself for this, but it is true. When I was younger I hated people who did this, and now I do this myself -_-

2). I bite my nails.

I know, I'm a little old to still be doing this, but I bite my nails still.

3). I spit in the toilet.

I honestly have no clue about this one, I just do.

4). I can't handle my pea touching mash potatoes.

It's just weird.

5). I mumble.


6). I scratch pimples.

I don't pick or pop, I scratch them like they are mozzie bites.

7). I have to have the last word.

If I don't I feel annoyed with myself.

8). I fiddle with my toes.

Not in a weird way, and this isn't my fault. My Great-Grandmother, before she died, fiddled with my toes and made them flexible. I can now control four out of five of my toes individually.

9). I crack my fingers.

Not excessively, but I do. If I don't they become sore.

10). I raise my pinkie whenever I drink or eat anything with my hands!

Even as I'm typing this my pinkies are resting on my ring fingers or standing straight like I'm drinking tea with the Queen.

Challenge Completed.

I challenge;






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