20 things you didn't know about me

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I got challeneged again by Blackmagicwizard to do another 20 facts thing so...

Challenge accepted!!

1). I'm obsessed with crime shows and mysteries.

CSI (regular, NY, Miami), Criminal Minds (Regular and Suspect Behaviour), Law and Order (Regular, Criminal Intent, NY, SVU). I love these kinds of shows even though many of them can be very cliched at times. SOMETIMES I CAN TELL WHO DID IT!

2). I use to have blonde hair.

When I was a baby until I was about four I had completely blond hair, but from the age of five and onwards my hair started to turn brown. Now I had long chocolate brown hair.

3). I mumble.

Please don't throw things at me!!! I know that this one fact alone will probably make people hate me at the moment, but it's true. I mumble at the worst of times, my grandmother probably hates me for this. But I don't mean to, when I'm not thinking I kind of forget to talk.

4). I cannot tolerate lasagna

I'm not sure why, I just can't really tolerate eating one. It's just squishy and weird... o.o

5). I insult people... a lot.

I don't mean to, but they set themselves up for an insult and I MUST!!!


Random Friend or Random Family Member (RFORFM); I woke up an ugly mess.

Me; So that's why you look like a troll.

6). I get scared easily.


More like; lalalala, I'm sitting here minding my own business reading a book, nothing is wrong with the-

A friend; BOOOO!

Me; *Jumps to Mexico.

7). I tell it straight or deliberately make situations worse.

I originally didn't do this deliberately, but now I do this to entirely annoy my friends when they are being completely hysterical and unreasonable. Example; my friend was worried she was going to DIE because she had to go to the hospital and be given that gas stuff that makes you sleepy, so they could put a camera down her throat to look at her stomach.

Now, I've had this be done to me myself, so I had some insight and knew there was no reason for her to think she was going to die.

She in response told me that I was me and she was she, so we were completely different and that she was going to die.

So instead of walking away like I was suppose to or trying to put out the fire, I fanned the fire and told her that if she died it would be painless and a good way to go, and that in the afterlife she could tell me, 'I told you so!.'

She didn't die.

8). I use to have a gaming problem.

When I started High School in year7, through year7, 8, 9 and going into year 10, I had a gaming problem where I would ignore anything in a large protortion, like a dinner meal or a lunch box meals, school and even friends. But since I love food too much, and my parents make me socialise it doesn't bother me too much.

9). I don't like sweeties.

Don't hurt me! *Cowars int the corner.

I just don't have that much of a sweet tooth, my parents told me that whenever someone offered me candy or a lolly of any kind I would tell them, 'No thanks, you have it.'

This also accounted for cookies, cake and strawberry jam.

10). I hate noise.

I just don't like it. When I was born I had a hearing problem in one ear, and because of this, while I have grown out of it, loud noise or overlapping noise have just never sat well with me.

11). I hate dickheads.

It's a natural fact about myself, I just hate them to no end because they can be annoying and they have no sense of when I'm pissed enough that I will attack them. (Happened once when I was seven, a boy was being a dickhead so I crash tackled him).

12). I have two brothers and a sister, and yet I am still the youngest o.o

Bathrooms in the morning are haywire diffiuclt.

13). I love movies.

I know people may say, 'Oh yeah, so am I.' But I mean LOVE

I will watch a movie 20 times over before moving onto the next one, in which I will watch it 20 times again.

14). I have never tasted alchole.

Well... I did once, but I don't remember what it tastes like.

15). I'm scared but facinated about bugs.

I like bugs, but if I see a cockroach fly, I will probably faint if it comes towards my face.

16). I am incapable of exercising.

I'm as fit as a fat duckling.

17). Im that person who chews the ends of pens.

JUst don't give me a pen if you want it back.

18). I'm right handed.


19). I can talk to almost anybody IF they're willing to talk to me.

I know a little about a lot.And if I don't know, I somehow bull my way through a conversation about it.

20). I zip through crowd.

I hate slow walkers, so I learned a trick to be able to get past them. I zip past them and wind my way through the people when they create gaps or when people make any space that could possibly fit me, I fit through it.

that's 20 more facts about me.


Challenge Complete.

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