20 facts about me again

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This is almost growing annoying, I'm running outta stuff!
I got challenged by ChinatsuChiyo
Challenge accepted:

1). I have to brush my teeth before bed
I just can't tolerate the feeling of my teeth when they haven't been brushed and I wake up with dog breath, it's annoying.

2). I'm musical impaired -_-
I can't play instruments, I can only sing, and even then that's not a hard thing to do exactly. I think of it like talking very singy like :P

3). I'm shapes impaired.
I'm not good with surface, shapes, geography or anything that has space. I can't read a map for s*** and I fail in surfaces and area in maths classes.

4). My phone is the dinosaur of the IPhone world.
I literally have the first iPhone ever made. It's very thick and bulky and you can't download apps too well and the wifi is practically non existent.

5). I have blue eyes.
Very basic colour, but it's light in the middle and there's a dark blue ring on the outside bordering it.

6). I can hold my breath for a little under a minute
I know... Not a huge achievement.

7). I've only ever had one job.
And I'm still doing it and I hate it -_-

8). I like outer space
Just the fact that there no proof anything isn't out there, and the fact that compared to everything our little earth is a little dot in existence. It's overwhelming, but incredible.

9). I want a guinea pig.
I've had 7 in my life, all of them have died, 6 of the, because some idiot neighbour doesn't lock up their dogs at night and the last one died from old age.

10). I like anime
But I force myself not to watch it because it's too intense!!!

11). I share my birthday with my passed Great Grandma.
She died when I was eight, but when I was younger, we use to sing happy birthday to each other over the phone. I miss singing to her on our birthday :(

12). I love watching improv, hate doing it.
I'm no good at Spurr of the moment things, but I love watching other people do it. I love Whose Line is it Anyway, it's the best show in the world!

13). I can't swim too well.
I know enough not to drown.

14). I love board games.
But not Monopoly. I hate monopoly. No offence to people who love the game, it just takes too long to finish.

15). I use to think hot dogs were made of dogs.
I believed this until I was about 9

16). I use to think that if you kissed someone you'd be forced to marry them.
In preschool, I was terrified of half the boys in fear they were try and kiss me and I'd have to marry them. One almost kissed me, but I put a hamster to his lips and he kissed that instead.

17). I don't wear jewellery.
At least not when I don't have to, other than earrings, which my mum makes me wear, and a watch, that's it. Necklaces are itchy, I lose bracelets, I once ate a ring and anklets just get lost.

18). I could throw up my body weight when I was six and under.
I hated car rides and everybody use to play a game of scissors, paper, rock to see who would have to drive me anywhere because the odds are I would normally throw up and everybody was shocked how much I could throw up since I was so little.

19). Any travelling over the time of 30 mins and I'll fall asleep.
Even to this day, if any car ride is over or is 30 mins than I will fall asleep in any and all transportation of any form.

20). I can adept to almost any situation or any person.
I'm not normally a girly or a pose person. But I can go to the dinner and be the most delightful person in the whole world. Seriously, if you ask my friends, they'll call me insane and inappropriate, but once, I was in the presence of a teacher and I changed dramatically, I smiled and nodded and was classified as respectable. As soon as they left, I was back to ridiculous. Same with dinners, new crowds and people who I need to be nice too. But if I don't think your a decent human being, I won't even bother.

Challenge complete :):):):):):):)c

Now for annoying revenge:
I challenge:
And just to be annoying : ChinatsuChiyo for challenging me :)

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