20 facts

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Here goes:
1). I'm scared of the dark
I know it's a little weird that someone who is in their late teens to be scared of the dark, but I just am. I go to bed early, leave the TV on in darker places, make sure my back is to the walls whenever I find myself in a dark place so nothing can grab me from behind.... I think I just don't like not knowing what's there, if that makes sense :P

2). Before the age of ten I couldn't read.
I may be over exaggerating a little, but before the age of ten I couldn't read very well. I always came last in spelling bees, spelling tests, I couldn't read people's names or remember them, I could hardly read a whole novel without gaining some sort of headache. When I was five I accidentally read a Spanish Dictionary because I didn't know what the title was. But on the New Years Revulsion thingy I said I would teach myself to read. I'm coming 26 out of 187 in English so take that students who teased me about it!!

3). I'm a socially awkward clutz but also the most social.
I dunno how this works. I will refuse to talk to a crowd or people ranging from ages 17 and higher, and I don't like talking one on one with someone I don't like, but I am sassy or brave enough to talk to anybody my friends are scared to talk to. Like this one person had a little puppy and my friend wanted to pay it but was too scared to ask if she could, but I wasn't and I did ask him if I could pat his puppy. He said yes. I'm able to talk to a large range of people however because of my vast knowledge of pointless crap.

4). I have a stuffed toy in my bed.
Not in a perverted sense or anything. He's a stuffed rainbow coloured monkey I named Buttons, I don't hug him or anything in my sleep he's just kind of... There.

5). I enjoy singing.
And I will admit I'm not horrible at it.

6). I enjoy lying.
I don't know why, but it's something about the feeling of getting away with lying about something that just gives me that sense of awesomeness that I can get away with something. It's worrying how often I lie tho... I'm gonna need to work on that -_-

7). I hate frocks and heels.
I'm a girl, yes. I'm a girlie girl, no. I'm a tom girl? Not at all. I think I'm somewhere in the middle, but I'll pick a pair of jeans over a skirt any day.

8). I like (love) Pokemon
Not 100% sure why, but that one obsession was one of the reasons girls stayed clear of me when I was in kindie. But I do love them even to this day, I will admit however I like the older versions of Pokemon better than these new ones with ridiculous names... Like that new Pokemon that looks like a garbage bag... Really?

9). I love stories.
All my life, it was a never ending mouth blabbering of questions and stories. I love the stories some people can tell, fake or real, cultural or moral, racist or discriminated, traumatic or harmonising, ANYTHING. I've always loved listening to them ever since I was younger... But I never liked being in a little group in preschool.... Coincidence?

10). I'm very sarcastic.
So much so my friends can no longer tell.

11). I was a badass 4 to 6 year old.
When I was four, there were these groups of girls who took over the preschool cubby house every lunch, and one day they were late so I decided to go up and look around. Halfway through my investigation of said cubby house they came up and attempted to push my out of the cubby house, in both self defence and anger I grabbed the leader of the girls and pulled her through the hole in the cubby and she broke her arm. I also burned the hair off a Bratz doll late that week. When I was five, these girls attempted to steal my basketball from me so I apparently bit them, and when I was 6 I attempted to escape my school grounds, and almost succeeded... But there were two fences around the school, not one. -_- I've cleaned up my act now tho

12). I live in a Australia
Home of the koalas and the ORIGINAL makers of Vegemite. (and no, we do not go to school in the pouches of kangaroos.)

13). I suffer from IDGAF aka. I Don't Give A F***
And despite this people tell me their problems... How does that work!!!!!

14). I'm emotionally blunt at the worst times
There are times where I'm over sensitive (like 15% of the time) then there are times where I'm in my IDGAF moments (20%) and then there are times where I don't give a crap about ur feelings and I will tell it to you straight :)
Like one of my friends broke up with her boyfriend and she was a crying mess and everybody was giving her hugs and telling her he didn't deserve her and all that crap, I said, and I quote, 'get over it. This is High School, it's not like it was going to last long anyway.' And I wasn't wrong, High School is that time where everything is serious or means absolutely everything, but looking back on that now, since over never had a boyfriend in my life, I think I should've stated that a little differently.

15). I have the worst sense of style.
My friends will spend like two hours picking out what to wear, (usually between a dress, some expensive jeans or one of those half top thingies) and then you have me, five minutes before I'm leaving, grabbing the first shirt I see and recycling a pair of jeans I may have worn yesterday, flipping my hair so I doesn't look like I rolled around in mud, and then leaving.

16). I'm pan sexual
Which basically means I care entirely on personality, not gender. (But I'm not gonna lie, if a girl and a boy have the same personality I like, I'm more likely to go for the guy and be the girls best friend).

17). I play netball.
I've been playing since i was 5 and I'm good at it, when I was younger I played defensive (GK, GD, WD for netball ears who know what I'm talking about) but that was when I was tall for my age, but now I'm lucky to be taller then the centre (C).

18). I use to have an American Accent
I use to watch too much American TV when I was younger and developing my speech, couple that with my partially deaf ear (that I grew out of) I use to have a strong American accent in an Australian society.

19). I have an odd form Of OCD
Some people may call it something different entirely but I call it a form of OCD. Ever since I was younger, if I was ever interested in anything I would let the world know with facts about the subject, cosplay, movies/TV shows, with me constantly playing/watching/reading it. And it's changed over the years, but the facts still remain: ages 2 to 8 Power Rangers and The Land Before Time, ages 9 to 12 drawing, writing, performing arts, fantasy stuff, ages 13 to now has been mystery based stuff or spy stuff. And throughout my whole life, which has never changed, has been: Pokemon, dream catchers, photography, watching any movie (I'll watch it maybe 20 times before moving onto another disc) or TV series, stories of all varieties, and books, always books, (I liked to pretend I could read when I was little).

20). My name has no proper meaning
My full name is Brooke Erin Ann(Christen name) Charlton. My first name meanings: a babbling river. But the only reason that is my name is because my mother liked it, nothing more. My middle name only existed because at that very same moment I was being born there was another woman next door who was having a baby also named Brooke, and that Brooke's older sister was named Erin, and my last name comes from my Dad and I have no clue where it's from...

So... 20 facts about me.
I hope I was interesting enough for the challenge, and please vote and comment about what you think of my silly quirks, and please let me know if you have any quirks that are similar to totally completely different to me. I'd love to have examples so I'll feel at least a tiny bit normal.
Who am I kidding, the last time I tried to be normal I fell down a flight of stairs.
Love comments and opinions, bye.

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