Tagged for 13 Facts

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I was tagged by TheRealizations (thanks -_-, nah jokes :P)

Rules of this tag is say thirteen things about yourself, you can't refuse, post in less then a week from being nominated tag 15 others, post must be made by books not comments, and make a creative name for this chapter.

I reckon saying it as it is is pretty creative if I do say so myself.

Let's begin!

1. I've been obsessed with the Sims lately.

2.  I love my Ugg boots

3. I'm in love with my new dog Jimmy who is a Vizsla (don't know what that looks like, look it up.)

4. I can't crack my knuckles

5. The hardest question for me to answer is 'What is Robin Williams best role?'

6. I procrastinate by doing other productive things, e.g. gotta do my homework but I'll make my bed, take out the garbage, do the dishwasher and then maybe do my homework... after a nap.

7. I got Pokémon Go for my phone just be ironic.

8. I'm a people watcher

9. People watching sometimes gets me yelled at

10. I still have no clue as to what I want to do despite the fact I need to decide within the next year.

11. In a moment of vulnerable drowsiness I thought 333 was 666

12. My favourite console is the Nintendo

13. I think 13 is a silly number to end things on



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