Another 20 Facts...

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How many times have I been asked this now?

*Shrugs, I dunno, I'll just try and think of some more.

1. Growing up, my role models were fictional characters like Crash Bandacute and that weird dog from a children's TV show called Blu's Clues.

2. I use to think the weird dog from Blu's Clue was a boy, apparently he... is a she...

3. I use to think Roo from Winnie the Pooh was a girl, as I did Piglet. (You can blame me for piglet, he's pink!!!!! Growing up the stereotype of pink being a girl was shoved in my face!!).

4. For any costume party up until the age of ten I always went as the Pink Power Ranger.

5. I hate the beach.

Or maybe it's the sun... I don't know, Hate is a big word, but I literally haven't been to a beach in like two years and I don't feel a need to go there...

6. I'm not allowed to leave my house until I'm 36.

A joke from my Dad.

7. Half of my clothes use to belong to my older brothers, so if I wear a baseball cap or something I look like their little brother instead of their little sister.

8. I'm apparently an approachable person.

ITS AN F******* CURSE!!! I just look like a nice person... WHYYYYYY!!!

9. I love video games... but suck at playing them.

10. I'm not a very stressed out person apparently.

Or I am a little bit, but I'm not a 'stress head' as my Mum puts it. Like we recently had exams and I still had Wattpad time and didn't feel like crying halfway through my exams so... yeah, I don't get freaked out too much.

11. If I'm in pain, I will not listen to you.

Anything you say to me while I'm in some form of pain means absolutely nothing to me. You could tell me if I don't say the word cheese the world will and end and I'll probably tell you to go poo yourself.

12. I've never cried in front of my friends.

Not for emotional reasons at least. The only time I can remember is when I fell down a flight of stairs (Not a good idea to be playing tips around FYI) and I landed on my knees. I didn't notice until my friend Alice said, "Brooke, your knees are bleeding.' When I noticed I started crying.

13. I once had a boy tell me he loves me even though he was dating my best friend at the time.

I WAS LIKE 12!! I don't think he meant it tho :PXD

14. When I was younger I use to draw hands coming out of people's eyes.

15. I was never good at the game Angry Birds.

What was your highest level? Mine was literally like... 15.

16. I want to be either a Writer, an Investigative Reporter, a YouTuber or some form of actress or writing for movies.

But I found out Writing is a 'hobby', and investigative reporter requires me to get a degree in communication, to be a YouTuber I need to learn editing and think of my own skits, and I'd be required to listen to other people tell me what to do if I was an actress.

17. I have no orienteering skills whatsoever.

If you leave me in a supermarket, I'll get lost.

18. Me and my sister have the weirdest relationship

If you leave us alone we're very interesting people, (You should listen to our car rides) and if there are other people you'd never guess we're siblings.

19. I was once in a Chinese Restaurant, ordered in French in a French community, with a bunch of English teachers and I'm Australian. XDXD I'm SO multicultural.

20. I've only ever broken one bone, and it was my sister's fault that I broke it. (She pushed me off a bed when we were like two and a half or something).

Now I challenge theee!
II wenterWitch

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