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Namjoon's P.O.V

The same day...

"Your car is sanitised, Mr Kim." - Ms Pyo, my secretary said. She place my car keys on my desk.

"Thanks." - I said. Ms Pyo leaves my room. I've showered and in a new blue suit. I'm just so disgusted. If that hoe even dare to complain to Kyung Min what happened, I won't think twice to tell Kyung Min what really happened. Ergh, ew.

Since I'm done with what I need to do, my car is sanitised, I should meet my friends to hang out for a bit. I grab my phone and car keys. I turn off my computer and left my room. "I'm not coming back. Call me if you need anything." - I said to Ms Pyo while walking towards the lift.

"Okay, Mr Kim." - I heard Ms Pyo said from afar. I got in the lift and went to the ground floor. I tap out the gantry and walk towards my car. I got in my car and turn on the engine. Hmm~ now this feels fresh. It smells good, and feels clean too.

Hmm... Who should I meet? Seokjin hyung or Jungkook? Or Yoongi hyung? Hoseok? Tae? Or Jimin? I should text them. I start driving, even though I don't where I'm heading to. I drive round and round, but none of them replied. Hm... maybe they're busy. I guess I'll just crash to any of their office.

Since Yoongi hyung's office is the nearest to mine, I guess I'm going to his office. Before going to his office, I visited Grey's Barista which was nearby to get drinks and maybe some cakes too. Once I got in the queue, I scanned through their menu board. Hmm... I'll get a slice of vanilla & chocolate cake. Drinks...
Iced Expresso and Iced Coffee with Milk. That should do it.

"Excuse me?" - someone said. I raised my eyebrows, turning around.


"Can i skip the queue? Like can I order first?" - a lady asked.

"No." - i said, turning around. I cross my arms, waiting for my turn to order.

"Well seems like i just got to force myself." - i heard the lady said. I heard her walking and she stands in front of me.

"Uh?? Excuse me?"

"Oh you're excused." - she said, rolling her eyes. What the fuck?

"Can you not cut the queue? Go back." - i said, frowning.


"Go to the back." - I said sternly. Some guy comes up to me and pushed my lightly.

"Dude, who the fuck are you to talk to my wife that way?" - he asked, raising his voice. These faces, seems familiar.

"She cuts the queue. I'm just telling her to go to the back." - i said, frowning.

"It's just a queue dude. Don't make a big fuss."

"I ain't making a big fuss, these are simple rules." - i said. Now it hits me. His voice seems familiar. This lady seems familiar. I got it!


"Oh wait, you're Ji Hye's husband. Wow, nice to see you here." - he suddenly said with a smile.

"And it's not nice to be cutting queues." - i said, crossing my arms. Changmin suddenly pushed me hard, making me fall on the floor. I got up, fixing my blazer and suck the insides of my mouth. Changmin run up to me, wanting to give me a punch.

But he got stopped. Someone hold his hand, making him stop from punching me. I look down to the hand and it seems like a lady's hand. Her grip seems very strong, showing her veins popping out. The both of us turn our heads to see who is it. "M-ma'am J-Ji Sae.." - Changmin stutter. Well, he's dead.

"Ma'am, could you let go of Changmin's hand?" - Changmin's wife asked. Ma'am Ji Sae turns her head to give a death glare to Changmin's wife. She loosen her grip.

But only to pull Changmin towards her and kicks him across the shop. Changmin's wife screamed and run towards her husband. Changmin got hit by chairs and table while he was being kicked.

"Can you take a look on these two? Ban them from coming any Grey's Barista. They seem to be making fuss in here too much." - I heard Ma'am Ji Sae said to the counter. The way she acts all calm after she just kicked a man across the shop. The cleaners started cleaning up the mess and Changmin's wife is still screaming.

"Well, they deserve it." - I heard Changkyun's voice. I face to my right, seeing him next to me.

"When did you get here?" - I asked.

"5 minutes ago?" - he answered.

"Namjoon, Changkyun? Order?" - Ma'am asked.

"You can go ahead first, Ma'am." - I said.

"I've got mine. Order your drinks." - she said. Ma'am walk towards the two, crossing her arms.

"Ma'am! Why do you always do this to my husband?!" - Changmin's wife shouted.

"Bitch, shut up. I'm getting deaf." - Ma'am said. I chuckled. I walk to the counter and ordered. Changkyun ordered too. I hand my card to the counter, to pay for my order and Changkyun's.

"Sir, the bill is settled." - the counter said.

I raised my eyebrows. "Ma'am Ji Sae has gotten your bills. Along with Mr Im Changkyun's." - he said.

"Bitch! He ain't dead! Chill man." - Ma'am shouted.

"Junho, get this bitch an ambulance. Make sure Changmin's dead-"

"I'm okay!" - Changmin suddenly sits up. Ma'am rolled her eyes.

"Dramatic." - I mumbled.

"I agree." - Ma'am said. How did she hear that?

"By the way, Ma'am, I'll pay back for the bills." - I said.

"Yeah, me too. I feel bad."

"I've got it covered. Enjoy." - she said, giving us a smile.

"Thank you, Ma'am." - Changkyun said, smiling. I did the same too. She got in the manager's room.

"If only she's not married, I'd put a ring." - Changkyun said. I laughed.

"She's something." - I said. Soon, our orders are ready. I parted ways with Changkyun after that. I got in the car and drive to Yoongi hyung's office.

Once i arrive at Yoongi hyung's office, I got out of my car while bringing along the desserts and drinks. I went to the front desk and told them I'm going to Yoongi hyung's floor. They hand me a card after that. I tap the card on the gantry and make my way to the lobby.

Upon reaching to the 14th floor, I got off. I walk to the front desk. "Hi. Is Yoongi hyung inside?" - I asked.

"Um yes, he is. You can just go in." - the lady said. I thanked her and walk towards his room. I knocked on his door, and wait for his answer.

"Come in." - I heard Yoongi hyung answered. Yas. I push the door open and walk in. He's on on his desk. He should be on his couch.

"Hyung!" - i called, as I see his face and smiled.

"Namjoon?" - Yoongi hyung said, widening his eyes. Why does he seem shocked? I realise there's someone sitting across him. I face to the other person, shocked.

"Babe?" - I called.

Woops! What will happen next once Namjoon sees Ji Hye in Yoongi's office? Look out for the next chapter! I promise I won't take too long to update!

And happiest birthday to one of my kings, Taeyang ❤️✨

ig: kwonkimminjeon
ig: on.e_day  (kpop vocal covers)
youtube: KwonKimMinJeon

18/5/21, 18th May 2021, 태양의 생일

-KwonKimMinJeon 💕

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