The Past (Extra)

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I get to explore people from the past~! I hope you like it! I'll be going into a little more depth with what happened in the past and will let our cast of main characters interact with other people! They're all out of order btw!

WARNING: a lot of angst, cursing, death, torture, and violence
It's almost all angst, I don't know why I did this—



Whenever Harry saw her after marrying Bill, he kept thinking of the past war. Her family had one of the ones to be attacked early in the first few raids. She, Bill, and Victoria had fled with their lives, but nearly nothing else.

When the muggles tracked the family of three down for the second time, they weren't so lucky. Victoria had been slaughtered, ultimately killed by a bullet to her chest. Bill quickly followed before he could even take down a single person.

The one who fought and killed the muggle raiders was Fleur.

When they finally found her, she had been clawing someone's eyes out with her nails, no wand in sight. Blood matted her hair and bullets holes bled spurts of blood from her body but she continued moving without help. Her veela hadn't even revealed itself. The body underneath her twitched and squirmed but could do nothing, even with the anti-magic equipment.

She had killed a team of ten armed men by herself through pure rage alone.

Harry and the others had quickly tried to heal her but it was fruitless.

"Fleur! We're here to help! Just calm down so I can—"

"Ferme-la!" She hissed, her pupils sharpening. "Where are those damn muggles? I'll kill them all!" Her accent became mangled by the end, dropping into French. In the end, she began muttering and cursing in French as she fell onto her back, crimson soaking the carpet below her.

Harry turned to look helplessly at Hermione. Hermione reached over and held Fleur's hand. "Fleur.... what do you want us to do?"

The shuffling of Ron in the background was all they heard.

Her brilliant blue eyes that used to shine with intelligence snapped to theirs with pure hatred. "It doesn't matter," she spat. "They're already dead... they're dead...." her voice grew quieter and she stared at Bill's face, which had slackened from death, looking absolutely wretched.

Finally, she said, "Lift me up. I want to be next to Bill when I die. Bri-Bring Victoria too." Her voice cracked in the middle of her sentence. Finally, she turned to Hermione and said determinedly, "Burn down this house. We cannot let any more traces of magic be detected for whatever those muggles are using to find us."

"Fleur, you're saying you're just going to die—?!"

"I can't live without them!" She screamed.

There was silence. Fleur began to sob, shivers wracking her figure. Harry had never realized just how much hurt it caused from losing a mate and a child, especially one from your beta and your creature. If her instincts as a beta mother weren't screaming at her, her creature probably was.

"J-Just lay me down with them," she seemed to curse at this moment in French by the spitting force with which she spat it out with, "Putain de bordel de merde, please, just do it. It hurts more staying alive."

Harry ignored the tears welling up in his eyes and quickly helped her over to Bill. Ron sat near him, cradling his hand, gently rubbing at his scent glands on his wrist almost absently. Hermione brought over Victoria and Harry fought the urge to throw up at the sight of his goddaughter.

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