Ron's Memories

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Ron was lying next to Neville and Blaise was on the other side of him. He was exhausted and tired, but he forced himself to get up and see what was happening outside.

The Gryffindor vs Slytherin war had opened his eyes. They should've sticked together, them wizards and fought against the muggles instead of each other.

It still baffled him that the muggles, that seemed so weak and innocent before, the ones that his father and his family fought for, were now attacking him.

His mind moved like a chess game. He had to attack first, before his enemy took over.

He was staring outside when he felt arms wrap around his waist. He looked up and saw Blaise, who sleepily smiled at him.

"Ron, let's get back to bed," the taller omega said.

Blaise was prettier than him, with dark skin and even darker hair and eyes that glittered slightly when he smiled.

Blaise snuggled into him. Gently, he kissed his neck. Pulling him down into the small cot, Ron blushed as Blaise kissed him sweetly, their tongues meeting into a passionate dance.

Ron gasped and pulled him closer, trying to fight back but Blaise kept him under his control and his hand crept up his stomach, going under his shirt to tease his nipples.

"Mmm... I like what I see but can you not do this when I'm sleeping?" A husky voice asked.

Ron jumped and they both stared at Neville who smirked at them lazily.

Ron's face turned as red as his hair and Blaise blinked tiredly.

"Ah. Sorry," the Slytherin said calmly.

Ron covered his face as Neville bellowed out a laugh. He grabbed them both gently and pulled them into his embrace. He kissed both of them on the cheek, letting out his calming, forest scent.

"Go to sleep, my little omegas. We have a war to plan."


Ron sat near Harry, who leaned on his chair like it was a throne. His green eyes swept over the room of survivors, each who chatted with and comforted each other.

Ron glanced up at Neville and Blaise, who smiled at him.

"Looking at your sweethearts?"

He turned to playfully glare at Draco, who smirked.

"Oh shut it, Malfoy. As if you aren't oogling my brothers too, you git," he teased.

Draco laughed. "Well, they are pretty sexy."

Ron pretended to throw up. "Didn't need to hear that, Malfoy."

"Oh, Weasley," Draco sighed. "Everyone needs to know how utterly gorgeous my omegas are."

Fred and George walked up to Harry. "Oi! My lord, our projects have been completed."

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" Harry sighed. "It makes me feel weird and look evil."

Fred put his hands on his hips. "Well, it suits you."

"After all, you're the chosen one!" George said in a sing-song voice.

Everyone made jokes to lighten up the mood, and the remaining Weasley family were one of the very few who was determine to make everyone laugh on the worst days.

Ron smirked. "Yeah, mate. What would we do without the Man-Who-Survived? Especially since you were so great and amazing."

Harry snorted. "Enough with that. What have you got for me?"

Fred piled a bag of candies in his lap. They were round and wrapped in colorful plastic wraps. "We made a type of candy. And its purpose is—— well, it isn't going to be pretty but, to melt their bones."

"What?" Harry asked, looking at the candies more carefully now.

George started to explain. "Giving these sweets to the muggles with make their bones slowly disappear one by one. It won't kill them, unless something happens to their organs. We know because we tested it on some squirrels."

There was a loud shout of "Animal cruelty!" and everyone laughed while the twins yelled at Dean for "calling them out".

Harry twirled the candy between his fingers. "It's a good idea... but how are we going to use it?"

Hermione spoke up. "We could distribute them, but that can hurt the children. I say we use it for torturing devices." She hugged Luna, who was sleeping gently on her shoulder, exhausted as she had tended to every one of their injured members.

Harry looked at her. Then he looked at the candy and then at everyone else, who were waiting for his reactions.

Ron knew what he was thinking. They were not cruel enough to torture just yet, but the muggles were.

It had all happened when someone had accidentally used magic in the town square of London.

Word got out and the wizard was captured for experimentation.

The muggles were disgusted by them, and although they had some support in the beginning, now every single muggle wanted wizards and witches dead.

It broke his heart knowing that some of his family members, who fought for muggles at their first war against Voldemort, were now being tortured and played with like toys.

And a small part of him, hated the muggles.

Harry finally gave his answer.

He gave a single nod and everyone gave a sigh.

Fred and George looked at each other and then at the weapons of war they had created.

Whether or not it would be useful, was debatable.


Ron blinked slowly. Harry looked at him silently.

"You got it?"

Ron gave a weak smile. "Yes, my lord."

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