"So Have I."

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Harry cursed and followed after Tom. Tom turned and then glared, disappearing with a soft, almost inaudible crack.

Harry grit his teeth and then reluctantly moved back to his friends.

They stared at him with pity in their eyes.

He glared ferociously, and they looked down, suddenly remembering why he was the pack leader. His gaze was downright deadly as his pheromones radiated his anger.

Luna, however, had courage and stared at him right in the eyes.

"Harry, do you realize what you've just done?" She asked quietly.

Harry clenched his fists.

"Tom is very maiden-hearted," Luna said, much to everyone's disbelief, "and you really offended him. You should go see him and apologize. Even I knew how badly you hurt him."

Ron nodded tensely. "Yeah, mate. He thought you two were going on a date but you just paid attention to a whole other omega."

"And after he was talking about moving in together in a different house too," Hermione shook her head.

Something struck through Harry's chest and he dejectedly looked at the ground.

His friends stared at him as the weight of what he just done to his mate dropped on his shoulders.

"Bloody hell. I messed up."

"Damn right you did," Draco muttered.

Eveline pushes his knee with her foot. "Go! Go get him now!"


Harry then dashed off and disappeared with a flap.

Tom apparated back into his seat, where everyone stared at him.

The shop had been empty for quite some time, so there was no worry of being seen.

"Eh? Tom? Why're you here? Harry's looking for you," Eveline said.

"I know."

Tom sipped his drink and then continued the conversation, "So involving the Treaty we made, what other actions do you think we should do to prevent the capturing of elves for the selling of their ears?"

They blinked at him, as if asking, "What? Why are you asking this???" but still dutifully answered.

It became a loud argument as Draco and Eveline had clashing opinions on how the dark elves and light elves should cooperate and Tom started to smile again as Hermione had to smack them both.

The pack had found that Harry had easily followed Tom back but didn't come in, letting him have his fun.



'Why are you just standing there outside the shop? You look like a creep.'

"Ron said it! Good Merlin, just get in here!'

'Tom seems to be having fun. I'll stay here before I go and apologize.'

'You do realize what you've done right? I don't want you to shallowly apologize to him.'

'Understood, Eveline.'

The pack was conversing quietly with their bond, and with no one around but Tom to intercept, it was a peaceful conversation.

Ron suddenly tilted his head. "So, uh, Voldemort, you've uh.... did the dirty with Harry right?"

"Don't call me that here." Then he registered the second part of the question and said, "Huh?"

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