More Memories

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Blaise climbed into Ron's bed, lifting up the covers to gaze at his snoring lover.

He smiled softly, amused by Ron's awkward sleeping position as his pajama pants rode low on his hips. He slid beside him, and then wrapped his arms around his fellow omega's warm body.

While he had not taken Harry's pledge, he had allowed Ron to see his.

He trusted the redhead. And he was right in choosing him.

It made him feel guilty when he thought about Neville, but there were some things he only wanted Ron to see, for Neville would've made some drastic actions if he saw them.

Blaise kissed Ron's temple, making the Gryffindor murmur in his sleep before turning and going back to DreamLand.

The omega smiled.

He was eternally grateful for Lady Magick's choices in his mates.


Harry tossed and turned in his sleep. His dreams were not a good place to be in.

He was sitting on the bed, a book in his lap that he wasn't even opening.

The door opened, a figure shyly walking through.

In Harry's vision, he could barely see the figure, only the outline of them, but in the dream, he knew who it was.

"Sweetie," he cooed.

His lover walked towards him, their wide hips swaying.

"Dear, the children are asleep now," the person whispered, as their knee rested on the bed, allowing them to lean over him.

Harry felt himself smirk and his hand came upon their hip.

"Yes? And?" He prompted.

The person groaned. "Harry, just get the message. I want your dick inside of me."

Harry laughed. "Language," he teased.

"Put your eggplant in my donkey," they replied dryly, which made him laugh again.

They picked up the book and put it on the bookshelf by flicking their finger. Their arms wrapped around his neck, as they sat in his lap.

Harry, amused, did not react. He only smirked and stayed still as his mate's hips rolled against his pelvis, creating wonderful friction.

Harry bit his tongue to keep in his moan while his lover's teeth clamped down on their bottom lip to stifle their cries of ecstasy.

"C'mon, Harry. It's been weeks. Please make me yours again," they said breathlessly.

His eyes glinted mischievously. "You're such a slut, you know that?"

Their hands reached out, fingers slender and long, and gently brought up his chin.

"But I'm your slut," they purred.

Harry groaned. Even if he acted as if he could resist, the truth was: his omega was stronger than him.

His lover was able to resist him even in their heat, even if they were clingy and desperate otherwise.

"Fine," he huffed. Gently, he slid his fingers up the sides of their body, his fingertips tracing pale skin as they moaned and rocked their hips into his.

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, with their tongues battling each other and their teeth clacking messily. It was hot, and warm, and Harry loved the feeling of their body pressed against his own.

When they parted, a string of saliva connected them.

A sexy smirk came upon his lover's face.

"Make me yours, Master," they teased.

Harry growled, and then ripped off their clothes. They giggled as he pushed them down into the bedsheets, their body twisting to make an alluring picture on the dark sheets.

"Harry~" they lilted teasingly. "Hurry up."

Harry sighed and bit kisses all over their body, each causing a purple stain. He loved seeing their body littered with the marks of his possession.

He nibbled on their hipbone, and lifted his head when gentle hands pulled at his hair.

His lover's warm blood irises met his own shocked emerald ones.

"I love you, Harry."

Then he sat up, his body slick with cold sweat and his eyes wide.

He touched his head, trying hard to remember his lover's face.

He couldn't remember, and it nearly killed him inside.


Harry scraped his fork against his food, pushing his eggs to one side so his sausages would be pushed off the plate.

Hermione looked at him, perplexed at his gloomy attitude, but did not ask, for fear of his temper.

They were sitting at the fifth table in the middle, and Blaise had joined them. Draco sat next to him and they talked about some potions, when they were interrupted.

Professor Snape walked up to them, a scowl firm on his face as he glared at them.

"Potter," he drawled, his dark eyes furiously pointed at Harry, who apathetically stared back. "Dumbledore wishes to see you immediately after breakfast. What were you thinking?!"

Harry hummed. "Hmm?"

"Why did you summon a demon here?! What kind of idiocy made you think that this was acceptable?! You are just like your no-good father, always causing trouble——"

"It sure sucks that you can't remember your own mates," Harry said quietly.

Snape growled. "Who do you think you're talking to, you——"

"My mother." Harry interrupted and tapped him on the temple.

Snape stumbled back, his eyes clenched tight in pain before they snapped open.


Harry gave a small smile.

"Hey, Mom."

Severus exhaled shakily. "Why are you such an idiot child?" He laughed breathlessly, and then reached over to hug him.

He sighed. "It's good to remember again." He leaned back to inspect Harry. "How have you been doing? What happened?"

Harry explained and Severus narrowed his eyes.

"I see. I can't do much, but if you need anything, I will help you." He said, before he left.

Everyone's eyes were on Harry, confused and worried at why the infamous Dungeon Bat has hugged the Boy-Who-Lived.

Harry finally took a bite of his breakfast and then looked up.

Barty was staring at him, his other eye spinning and spinning until it landed on him, the blue iris sparkling with some emotion.

Harry sniffed in disgust and then looked at his friends. Hermione and Luna smiled at him. Neville tilted his head, while Draco and Blaise smirked at him. Ron raised his head to stare at him, curious. Eveline put her chin on her hands, her pupils turning to slits.

Harry smirked.

They were ready.

"As my first order, I order you to listen to me as if this was our old life, and to follow me loyally without treachery."

They smiled, their magic snapping and crackling as the first Order was made in the new life they had been given.

"Yes, My Lord."

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