Raging Cyclones Against a Mountain

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Harry kissed Tom's head and he smiled down at his children.

Shiloh, his oldest, grinned with her hair in pigtails and happily presented him a mud pie.

"For me?" He said in a cheerful voice as Tom laughed and picked up their youngest, Claude. His stomach was round and bulging.

Harry turned towards him and picked up Claude, smiling. "Pup, what are you doing?"

The one year old gurgled noises and said something that sounded like "Apple."

Harry grinned and then looked at Shiloh, who was rounding up her brothers. Already eight, she was still a little green behind the ears, but was already mature and lady-like.

When she collected all of her brothers, she turned towards Tom with a smile like a shepherd boy asking for approval because they rounded up the sheep.

Tom smiled and patted her head. "Good job. Did you count them?"


Of course, they were all there, but Tom liked giving Shiloh the 'responsibility' and it made her feel important, so Harry never told her that Tom already counted them.

Harry never knew how Tom did it, but Tom was insanely good at teaching the kids.

Teaching, huh?

Harry smiled a little and kissed Tom's neck, bending down to rub Tom's stomach.

"How's little Harley?"

"As good as his father."

Tom began to purr.

Harry's heart was stuffy with love. Tom had never purred before the war, but after it, Tom's purr was for everyone to hear, his happiness and contentment easy to listen to.

Tom was happy.

Harry made him happy.

Harry lived for this feeling of home and comfort. It was warm and so nice. Harry kissed Tom again.

Their children made disgusted noises and giggled as Shiloh gasped and quickly covered their eyes. Tom laughed loudly, pulling away.

"Kids, we're done. Let's go back home."


Harry smiled and then trailed behind them as Tom directed the kids home, Shiloh in front as the younger ones joked around but diligently followed.

This was his family.

He made this.

This was his.

When had he ever imagined he would actually have one?

His head turned, and he stopped.

It was Tom, but he was younger, tears in his eyes as his demonic features were damaged.

'Harry, wake up.'

Harry blinked and it was gone.

What was that?

An unsettling feeling weighed down in Harry's chest. Tom turned and called him back. "Harry?"

"Huh? Uh, coming!" He looked at that spot again before he caught up to his family.

What was that?

Tom turned around again, and then smiled a little slowly.

"Aren't you coming with us.... Harry?"


Tom clawed at the desk in frustration and turned around, casting another crucio.

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