The Past, Future and Present

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Luna woke up everybody with a gently shake to their shoulders.

As usual, they snapped up and cast a spell at her. Carefully, she avoided them, and was thankful she had cast a quieting spell.

"We're in the past," Luna whispered. Her voice was dreamy as usual.

Neville looked around.

"We're in the infirmary."

Neville wasn't as chubby as he was before, and he was handsomer, with a sharp jaw and warm brown eyes. He was muscular too, and he smiled at the sight of Hogwarts.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock," Draco snarked. His platinum blonde hair was slicked back as usual and his sharp gray eyes darted around. His sharp angles made him look regal and like a proper pureblood prince.

Hermione sighed. "Draco, please stop. I know you're grumpy, but calm down. We have to assess the situation."

Her usual bushy hair was smoothed down and silkier, more of wavy curls than her nest of her hair before. Her teeth had shrunken too, making her smile more beautiful.

They glanced over to Harry silently.

The alpha was the leader of their pack, and they trusted his advice and authority.

While all of them but Luna (for she was an omega) were alphas, Harry's leadership was the one everyone could agree on.

His messy bird nest hair was more tamed, and swept over his head to make it look natural and cooler. His body was bigger, more muscular and tan and his emerald eyes were brighter than ever, like the leafy greens of a flower.

He looked around silently. "... what year are we in?"

"I think 4th," Hermione said, looking outside and at herself.

"If it is our fourth year, how'd we get here?"Neville asked.

Draco's plucked eyebrows dipped on his forehead. "All we did was go on that raid against those muggles and..."

Hermione gasped. "Oh Merlin! I remember! Don't you remember those weird clocks that looked like timeturners? We each touched them! Maybe that's why we're here!"

Luna tilted her head. "So we are in the past, then. What do we do now?"

Harry chuckled. "Well, we have to round up the rest of our pack and get them to join our cause."

He looked out the window at the school grounds.

Three wars. He had been in three fucking wars.

One against the dark side, another against the Slytherins, and another against muggles.

If only he had realized: what a mistake he had made in following Dumbledore's orders blindly.

He should've been more careful, should've thought more, should've learned from his mistakes.

But he never did.

And that costed him millions of lives.

He blinked the tears that formed in his eyes. He ignored the weight of his friends' stares and the emptiness in his heart.

After a moment of silence, he spoke. "We should summon Eveline tomorrow."

Luna and Hermione beamed. "Okay!"

Eveline was a demon they had summoned during the Slytherin vs Gryffindor war. She had been one of their most powerful members and was the mate of Luna and Hermione.

To summon her, that required a lot of power and enough people to be there, since her ritual needed people to know she was there.

Neville smiled. "We should summon her in the Dining Hall. And maybe I'll get to see Ron and Blaise too."

Ron and Blaise has been Neville's mates and both omegas had been severely injured during the Muggle War. The only thing that stopped Neville from going on a rampage was Hermione's lectures and his mates' hurt expressions.

Draco grinned. "Maybe I'll see my own omegas."

He had bonded to the Weasley twins, surprisingly.

Harry sighed as they chattered in excitement from seeing their mates in so long.

He hoped he'd find his own mate too.

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