Eveline's Arrival

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When the students came in the next morning, they were surprised to see Neville, Luna, Draco and Harry standing in the middle of the Dining Hall.

Hermione smiled. "I, Hermione Granger, accept my duties as the head of Ravenclaw."

A bronze diadem appeared over her head as well as a black raven that flapped its wings and cawed. It and the diadem then disappeared.

Draco haughtily tilted his head up. "I, Draco Malfoy Black, accept my duties as the head of Gryffindor."

A gold crown floated above his head, and a lion roared loudly, tossing its mane before they turned to smoke.

Neville grinned. "I, Neville Longbottom, accept my duties as the head of Hufflepuff." A humble wreath of flowers appeared, as a badger scuffled about before they too, disappeared.

Harry stepped up.

"I, Harry Potter Black Peverell Selwyn Emrys, accept my duties as the head of Slytherin."

A silver circlet flashed above his curls as a snake writhed, hissing with its fangs exposed.

Harry smiled, as he knew what it said.

[The cunning of the snake is as murderous as the violence of the lion.]

Everyone gasped, horrified as the Ice Prince was declared as a heir of the Gryfinndor line and the Chosen One was a Slytherin.

Suddenly, they moved to the side, revealing Luna, who had been crouched on the floor the entire time.

"I'm done!" She announced and then stood up to race by Hermione's side, who was flushed in excitement.

The circle she had painted glowed white and then a tower of fire appeared, blasting against the sky painted ceilings. It did not scorch it, but the flames licked the walls and spread across the room, startling and alarming the students.

A figure appeared in the fire, and slowly stepped out.

A beautifully busty woman with long, messy black hair appeared. She had a sly smirk on her face and her eyes glowed purple. Long bent horns were on her head, as well as a pair of lavender bat wings and a long scorpion's tail. Thick claws replaced fingers and toes and she bowed neatly.

"Hello," she said smoothly. "I am 𝔼𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪𝕟. You can call me Eveline."

Dumbledore stepped up, his face contorted in rage. "What is a succumbus doing here? An XXXXX level Dark creature like you should not be in the halls of Hogwarts!"

Eveline glared at him disdainfully, as if he was a bug under her feet.

"Albus Dumbledore," she growled. "You may be a Light Lord, but Lady Magick can still take that title away from you, you old goat. Creatures are more in tune to magic, and we are still stronger than you. Don't ever forget that."

Then slowly, she walked past Dumbledore, and walked up to a small girl, about 13.

"Hello, little one," she purred. Her thick, alpha scent gently coaxed the smaller beta to relax. "C'mon. You'll join my family in just a bit, okay?"

The girl blushed and nodded.

In indignation, Dumbledore whipped out his wand and was about to attack her, when she flicked her finger and sent the Elder stick flying into Harry's hands.

The rest of them were just sitting around, chatting quietly as Eveline was talking to the girl, but they definitely hadn't expected Dumbledore to do something as stupid as attack a succumbus.

Eveline ignored him as Dumbledore sputtered in shock. She held the girl close and made a soft crooning sound, that other girls shyly followed, including Fleur, who blushed when Eveline smirked at her.

She led them to another table, that Harry had conjured for the sake of Eveline's harem.

Luna smiled and quietly chatted with the younger girls as she seated herself near Eveline, who comforted the frazzled females that had no idea what was going on. Hermione smiled and took out a book, eagerly scanning the pages.

Students started to sit down, still murmuring in confusion. Ron walked up to Harry and Hermione.

"Hermione? Harry?! What the bloody hell happened to you?!" He said, confused and slightly hurt because they hadn't told him what had happened.

He was still confused about Harry being chosen as the Triwizard Champion.

Neville stood up, smiling charmingly. "Ron, why don't you sit down."

Ron's eyes widened in alarm. "What the hell? Neville, is that you?! You're hot as balls now!"

Neville grinned. "Really? I'm glad."

"W-what the hell is happening...?" Ron said in bewilderment as THE Neville Longbottom, the awkward little lion cub that couldn't roar, seemed to have sharpened his claws and grew in his mane.

Harry pointed to the seat next to Neville. "Sit there."

Ron sat there, despite not even knowing why his body moved without his will. Neville smirked and subtly moved a bit closer to his future mate.

Harry started to speak. "I'll tell you all the details. But I have to show you something."

Then he reached over, and tapped on Ron's forehead.

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