The First Task

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Harry lovingly kissed the neck of his omega.

"Beautiful," he whispered.

His omega flushed. "You sly angel. What would Jehovah think?"

"Nothing of it. Now, open your legs. I'll worship the very ground you sit on, 'k?"

His omega laughed, a charming, free sound. He grinned at Harry, and teasingly, put his ankles on Harry's shoulders, his pale legs parting seductively as he winked at him.

"Well? Get on to it, servant."

Harry bit down on his ankle as a warning, and then leaning down, he——


"Fuck!" He cursed, and sat up, exhausted.

Why did these dreams always happen? He shuddered as ghostly fingers trailed down his shoulders and he ignored the twitching of his cock in his pants.

Harry has then been so focused on his wet dream, that he didn't realize it was the day of the first task until later.

Soon, Professor McGonagall informed him that it was time. "Potter, the champions have to come down now.... you have to get ready."

"Alright," He said. He glanced at his friends.

"Good luck, Harry," Luna whispered. Hermione put her arm around her and gave him a thumbs up.

Neville and Ron smiled at him encouragingly. "You can do it, mate!" The redhead said.

"You'll be fine." Eveline said calmly while Blaise nodded.

Draco scoffed. "Get on with it, Chosen One. Don't die on us."

Harry grinned, and left the Great Hall with Professor Mcgonagall. She looked rather nervous herself and was muttering encouragements to him, but he was barely listening.

She led him into a tent, and left at the entrance. Fleur waved at him and then asked, "Where iz Eveline?"

He gestured to outside and the beta nodded, sitting back down.

Viktor didn't look at him but he looked more surly than usual. Meanwhile, Cedric was pacing across the room, and Harry thought back to when he had told Cedric of the dragons.

The same thing happened again, with Ludo Bagman trying to get him to cheat and him refusing, and the four champions getting their dragons.

His Hungarian Horntail Dragon spat a burst of tiny flames and then climbed up his arm and proceeded to nestle in his black hair.

Harry sighed at the miniature dragon and ignored it, while the crowd made various noises as Cedric tried to get the egg.

When it was Harry's turn, he confidently stepped out, a roar greeting him as the enormous dragon stomped her feet and flapped her wings.

[No!! My eggs.... no one touches my eggs!!]

There was a hushed moment as everyone watched in tense silence when Harry did not make a move.

The Horntail Dragon hissed, moving towards him with steam curling from her nostrils.

She snarled, her wings flapping furiously. Harry did not react until she came charging at him, roaring. [Intruder! A stranger near my nest!!]

With a quiet wave of his hand, Harry poked her in the snout, a deafening screech coming from her mouth as she stumbled back.

The crowd was confused, until the Hungarian Horntail Dragon twitched and then flopped onto the ground. Harry let out a small laugh and petted her snout.

She cooed, and her tail thumped happily on the ground as Harry muttered soft praises. "Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? You are!"

Everyone gaped as he flicked his finger and the golden egg floated towards him. He took it and gave the dragon one more affectionate pat before he left.

Everyone was silent until there was a rush of sound. Everyone was questioning what the hell happened as Bagman gave a quiet 'Well, I don't really know what happened... Harry Potter seemed to have tamed the dragon!'

Harry smiled, and then went back into the tent.


"Hello, My Lord~!" Fred and George chirped as they walked in. The Omegas gave a reassuring smile at Harry, who was forced to lay down and 'rest' even though he was fine.

"Hello, you two. Stop calling me that." Harry responded in fond exasperation. He sat up easily and the twins seated themselves by his bed, grinning mischievously.

Hermione walked in, a scowl on her face as she put her hands on her hips.

"Harry, that could've been dangerous. Dumbledore would've figured out that you found your inheritance. Honestly, channeling your power to summon Ariel's skill. That was reckless!"

"Well, I didn't want to hurt the dragon, so that was all I could think of besides almost killing myself after accioing my broom." Harry explained.

Ron sighed, rolling his eyes. "You've always been extra."

Draco chuckled, smiling as he walked in with Blaise. "Yep. Everyone is so confused. It's hilarious."

Blaise smiled softly. "Neville can't be here, but he says that the Gryffindors are all baffled."

He took a lick from Ron's neck, bitting gently for blood as his teeth elongated. The vampire purred against his omegan mate, who blushed and pushed him away.

"Blaise!! Not now!" Ron said, flustered.

Everyone chuckled, and Harry smirked. "Now, now, Ron. Don't be embarrassed."

"Yep. After all, he's only showing affection," Draco teased, as he wrapped an arm around Fred and let George bury his face in his shirt. "You get blushy so fast."

"Shut up, Malfoy!"

Everyone laughed. Eveline finally arrived with Luna and Neville, and at that point, it was a full on party.

When the conversation strayed to mates, Harry started to get uncomfortable. When Luna noticed, she looked at him with a dreamy smile.

"Ah. Sorry, My Lord. We have forgotten that you don't have one." She said not in an unkind manner.

He smiled and shook his head as everyone looked at him. "It's fine. You can talk all you want."

Neville frowned. "Y'know... where is your mate? It's been years."

"I don't know... lately, I've been having weird dreams..." he said and Luna frowned.

"Oh dear. It seems the Gods wishes for you to find him."

Harry blinked. "Who? The gods? The person in my dream mentioned something about it too..."

"The person your mate has mentioned is Jehovah. They know quite a lot. The person in your dreams.... they are your mate." She explained.

Harry gaped while everyone looked at her in shock.


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