Confronting the Omega

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"You what."

"I... just told you what I did." Harry said in a nervous tone.

He had slept for a week due to exhaustion when he got back from fucking Voldemort.

It matched perfectly with his schedule, what, with the time traveling and everything.

Eveline and the twins looked at him with dark eyes.

"You... raped your omega?!!!" They screamed, standing up so they towered over him.

Neville and Luna were wide eyed and worried. "Harry, what'd you do??"

Draco, Ron and Hermione looked at each other.

"Er, doesn't he belong to Harry? It's fine, isn't it?"

Fred turned so fast, Harry was scared for his neck. "Draco, are you heartless? He raped an omega!"

Ron looked ready to say something, but wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

Eveline looked enraged. "Harry, that is a severe crime! Raping an omega could get you a life sentence in some other country!"

"In some other country," Hermione emphasized, "Harry is fine. In the UK, omegas don't have rights, and if they are soulmates, there's a lesser chance of Harry being charged."

"What kind of sick response is that? So what, since he's Harry's omega, it's okay for Harry to rape him?"

Neville gave a nervous laugh, trying to push back Hermione, who was looking ready to pounce on poor Fred.

"Uhh, guys, shouldn't we calm down?"

Draco snarled. "Someone get Blaise, we can ask his opinion!"

"Why Blaise? Besides, we know who's in the wrong! Harry raped an omega, and I'm not saying we should castrate him, but you can't deny that he did a very wrong action!"

Harry felt sick to his stomach.

Did he cause that much pain to his omega?

His omega shouldn't be hurt. No, no hurt for his omega. His omega should be protected and happy and safe.

Alpha has to make this right.

With a silent flap of his wings, Harry disappeared.


Voldemort was sniffling.

His body was sore and tired and his stupid Alpha wasn't even there to comfort him.

Stupid, useless, annoying Alpha.

Anger burned through him, and in a fit, Voldemort stood up.

His world tilted and melted and he collapsed to the floor. His thighs burned and pressing his cheek to the floor, he shuddered when another hot gush of cum slid down his legs.

Stupid Alpha!!!

Voldemort grit his teeth, joints trembling before he stood up on shaky limbs. The room smelt like their combined scents and he nearly passed out again.

But before he could fall, arms wrapped around his waist.

Voldemort turned and bashed the stranger in the face.

"You filthy mongrel, don't think you can touch me so freely——?!"

His alpha gave him a searing kiss.


His alpha pulled away with dark eyes, his wings spread out. Voldemort trembled and the hands slid down to the small of his back.

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